Agile Leadership and Management: PMI-ACP Agile Certification

Agile management and agile leaderships are two terms used interchangeably. An agile manager is different from a leader. Management is focused on teamwork, achieving organizational goals, and devising the right strategies to accomplish tasks within the deadline. Leadership, on the other hand, is more about ensuring that agile principles are implemented across various levels of management, and each employee follows this approach.

PMI-ACP is a popular agile certification for aspiring project managers who want a high-paying job in their desired industry. Before we get to that, let’s understand agile leadership and management.

What is Agile Leadership?

A successful leader is honest, good at communication, inspiring, well-disciplined, forward-looking, and competent. They are responsible for setting a realistic vision for the team and communicating objectives to the entire team, including stakeholders. As a leader, you don’t execute the work yourself but delegate your responsibilities to the team, so they feel more involved in the project. They always focus on bringing a change in the workflow and management. In addition, a great agile leader must appreciate their employees’ hard work, motivate them, and reward them as they achieve various milestones. These are the basic qualities of an agile leader.

What is Agile Management?

Agile management is all about management principles, which involve planning, organizing, delegating, staffing, and controlling. An agile project manager has to oversee all operations. The manager breaks down the processes into sprints, smaller and more manageable tasks. They constantly evaluate their budget, deadlines, and the quality of the work as they finish each sprint.

The managers also track the progress of a project and report to the leader. A successful agile management concept teaches teams to work together to achieve long-term objectives. A manager is responsible for supervising the teams, tracking the project status, and making changes to the plans as and when required.

PMI-ACP Agile Certification

The way projects are executed has changed a lot in the last two decades. Organizations are constantly looking for project managers that can achieve small to complex projects in a timely fashion while staying within budget. The focus is also on the quality of the deliveries. That’s why businesses are embracing agile project management methods to accomplish projects of different complexity levels. The question is, what exactly is agile project management, and why should you consider getting a certification in this field?

Agile is a project management methodology. But unlike the waterfall methodology and Scrumban, this concept is quite flexible. It involves breaking down larger and more complex projects into smaller tasks that can be fulfilled with a faster turnaround. It helps manage all kinds of projects efficiently. As this concept of management has become popular across different industries and is adopted by many organizations, people are looking for a certification course in agile leadership and management. These courses and training programs teach you the basics of agile, how they are implemented, and their benefits.

Below we have shared a few notable reasons you should consider getting agile certification. Let’s take a look.

The World is Embracing Agile

Agile focuses on an iterative process for executing different projects. The methodology allows teams to work closely on each project, coordinate well, and ensure smooth and seamless operations. After each sprint, the team can give feedback on the challenges they faced while working on a project, what they’d recommend in order to improve the workflow, and what their overall experience was.

One of the biggest benefits of agile project management is that it brings transparency to operations. And even though the waterfall methodology is still the most popular project management methodology, companies are embracing a shift to a more flexible, successful, and better approach.

Now, having a PMI-ACP certification ensures that you know the principles of Agile and can implement them correctly. It’s also easier to work in environments where agile practices are followed for effective project management.

Companies Want Agile Professionals

Because of the growing demand for agile project management methodology, companies are looking for agile professionals to ensure smooth business operations. Completing the PMI-ACP agile certification is the best way to get a job in any company as a project manager. Companies trust people with a proven track record in this industry and are qualified to implement agile methods across all management departments. As an agile professional, you will know how to embrace change and take care of customers’ changing requirements.

Agile is Better than other Project Management Methodologies

The waterfall method, for instance, is not as flexible as agile. It consists of a set of procedures that are planned before starting the project and have little to no scope for making corrections. Agile, on the other hand, focuses on one step at a time. You can make changes to each step as you work on the project. There’s a high success rate for a project that follows agile methodology.

PMI-ACP has a High Demand

Businesses are focusing more on adapting a blend of several project management methodologies to complete a project as efficiently as possible. Many methods, like Scrum and Kanban, are derived from agile only.

Earning PMI-ACP agile credentials will help you get comprehensive knowledge of this methodology, its principles, and the right ways to implement it in various projects. You don’t necessarily require certification to get a job as a project manager in your selected industry, but having a PMI-ACP agile certification increases your chances of landing a high-paying job.

Bottom Line

An agile leader or a manager is a career choice that comes with several perks. As mentioned above, it increases your chances of securing a high-paying job at a reputable company. Besides, having the PMI-ACP certification on your resume can enhance your portfolio. Employers will want to have someone with this certification on their team, whether as a leader or a manager. As a manager, specializing in agile methodology will help you be better at handling projects with accuracy. So, why wait? Sign up for a PMI-ACP course and become a certified agile project manager.

Updated on: 14-Dec-2022


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