agent.createConnection() Method in Node.js

The agent.createConnection() method is an interface provided by the 'http' module. This method produces a socket/stream that can be used for the HTTP requests. One can use custom agents to override this method for greater flexibility. A socket/stream can be returned in two ways – either by returning the socket/stream directly from this function, or by passing this socket/stream to the callback.


agent.createConnection(options, [callback])


The above function can accept the following parameters −

  • options – These options will contain the connection details for which stream has to be created.

  • callback – This will receive the created socket connection from the agent.


Create a file with the name – connection.js and copy the below code snippet. After creating the file, use the following command to run this code as shown in the example below −

node connection.js


 Live Demo

// Node.js program to demonstrate the creation of socket
// using agent.createConnection() method

// Importing the http module
const http = require('http');

// Creating a new agent
var agent = new http.Agent({});

// Creating connection with the above agent
var conn = agent.createConnection;
console.log('Connection is succesfully created !');

// Printing connection details
console.log('Connection: ', conn);


ode>> node connection.js Connection is succesfully created ! Connection: function connect(...args) {    var normalized = normalizeArgs(args);    var options = normalized[0];    debug('createConnection', normalized);    var socket = new Socket(options);    if (options.timeout) {       socket.setTimeout(options.timeout);    }    return socket.connect(normalized); }


Let's take a look at one more example.

 Live Demo

// Node.js program to demonstrate the creation of socket
// using agent.createConnection() method

// Importing the http module
const http = require('http');

// Creating a new agent
var agent = new http.Agent({});

// Defining options for agent
const aliveAgent = new http.Agent({
   keepAlive: true,
   maxSockets: 0, maxSockets: 5,

// Creating connection with alive agent
var aliveConnection = aliveAgent.createConnection;

// Creating new connection
var connection = agent.createConnection;

// Printing the connection
console.log('Succesfully created connection with agent: ', connection.toString);
console.log('Succesfully created connection with alive agent: ',


ode>> node connection.js Succesfully created connection with agent: function toString() { [native code] } Succesfully created connection with alive agent: function toString() { [native code] }

Updated on: 20-May-2021


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