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Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: from Zero to Commission

person icon Tayana Grubisic


Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: from Zero to Commission

Learn how to promote any affiliate offer: from ClickBank to High-ticket offers

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Tayana Grubisic

English [CC]

category icon Affiliate Marketing,Digital Marketing,Marketing

Lectures -17

Duration -2 hours



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Course Description

Join over 5,000 students in getting your first sale from Clickbank or any other affiliate network you choose.

Imagine that you are waking up in the morning and you see 100+ emails on your phone and each says: 'Congratulations, you just earned a commission!' - while you were sleeping, you made hundreds of sales.

Yes, it's possible with affiliate marketing.

In this course, you will learn how can you become a top affiliate, how to pick products on ClickBank that are converting, how to set up your sales funnel, how to set up a compelling mailing list, and how to successfully create and promote your campaigns using Bing Ads and Google Ads.

You are probably thinking - 'oh, that's a lot of work!' Yes, that is what it seems at first. But if you set it up all once, then it's all automated and you just need to check it once in a while. And you will learn everything you need to know in this affiliate marketing training course.

Affiliate Marketing is not about sitting at the computer all day and looking at the screen and biting your nails. It's about focusing on the right tools. This course will give you guidelines that will set you up on a road to success. Everything you learn, you will be able to apply to YouTube, Amazon, Clickbank, or Shopify.

You will learn what other affiliate networks (such as Jvzoo) you can use to pick the best products and which tool you can use to prepare for future big promotions. Affiliate Marketing is about future planning: knowing when to promote which products and for how long. And then you can take these skills and go after high ticket offers.

This course is created for one simple purpose:

  • to show people that is possible to make a commission with a few simple techniques.

If you are:

  • a complete newbie when it comes to affiliate marketing or Clickbank

  • an affiliate marketer who has been struggling for a while to make a commission

When you know these secrets then you don't have to worry that you will miss out on any future commission.

Even if you don't know anything about mailing lists, picking products, sales funnel building then you will learn everything about it. We'll use great tools such as Aweber, Clickfunnels, and Keyword planners to set up converting campaigns for your products.

Everything you need to get started in affiliate marketing is covered in this course. We'll also give you other alternatives that you can use if you find that you don't like the software that we used in the course.

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest ways to start your online business, making it easier than ever before to build your website traffic, your email list, your reputation in the community…and ultimately your revenue.

This course won't break your bank and you will learn which tools are affordable to set up your first affiliate offer. You will have confidence to start your journey after you complete this course.

It is a proven strategy that works even without a personal website. Yes! You can promote other people's products even if you don't have a domain and a website. In this course, I will teach you both ways on how to promote products and earn a commission.

In addition, we'll give you a few email examples that you can use for any business, not just affiliate marketing.

Whether you are just starting or you have been in affiliate marketing for some time now, this is the course for you. Leverage the power of internet marketing now and start making money.

If you want to maximize your earning potential then enroll in this course today and start your affiliate journey.

With this comprehensive, step-by-step course, you will learn all the skills you need to achieve massive success in the world of affiliate marketing.

It was designed after analyzing what students struggle with most when learning this industry.

We want you to be successful in any niche of your choice while making good money!

Enroll in the course today!


  • What is Affiliate Marketing

  • How to build a sales funnel

  • How to create mailing lists

  • How to write compelling emails that convert to sales

  • How to pick products on Clickbank

  • How to set up campaigns in Microsoft Advertising

  • How to get traffic

  • How to set up campaigns in Google Ads


  • Be able to cover some basic fees for campaign setup

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: from Zero to Commission


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
6 Lectures
  • play icon What is affiliate marketing? 05:37 05:37
  • play icon Steps to launch and best niches 04:29 04:29
  • play icon Niche Research and ideation 02:41 02:41
  • play icon Affiliate Networks 07:06 07:06
  • play icon How to choose Clickbank products that sell? 10:45 10:45
  • play icon Muncheye 05:00 05:00
Intro to Sales Funnels
4 Lectures
Email Marketing: List Building
3 Lectures
Getting Traffic
4 Lectures

Instructor Details

Tayana Grubisic

Tayana Grubisic

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