Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

When many computers are connected, connecting means that they can share data such as text, information, photos, audio, videos and many other services together making a "Network". When this network happens worldwide, that becomes the Internet.

Take a real-life simple example, when you are seeing photos on Instagram, tweets on Twitter, or talk through Facebook, that is when you are connected to the internet. Things are happening worldwide.

The Internet is used on a vast level, and it is impossible to imagine our world without the Internet. Not only for personal use, organizations and government sectors are also connected to the internet and are providing us services.

Application and Features of the Internet

Uses of the Internet on daily basis

Let’s look at some of the uses of the Internet in our daily life −

  • Online Food Order

  • Grocery Store

  • Educational Online Classes

  • Online Banking or Net Banking

  • Cashless Transactions

  • Social Network

  • Hospital Registration and Bill Receipts

  • Online Train or Flight Bookings

Today, there are countless examples we can see around us. These are some real-life easy examples. Lets now see some of the features of the Internet −

Features of Internet

  • Data Transfer is easier while using the internet.

  • Accessibility to almost every piece of information.

  • Expansion of business in IT technology.

  • Faster and Feasible government services.

  • Security and Safety of Information virtually.

  • Saves lots of time in processing and management.

  • The Internet is not centrally dependent upon one center as it is divided into several data centers and extensions to provide scalability.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

As we know the internet is accessible to every information we want within a fraction of a second. It gives more results and increases productivity. There are many Advantages of the Internet, Lets now see and learn what they are −

Advantages of Internet

  • Connectivity − As we know we are connected to the internet to stay connected with our family, friends, colleagues, services, etc.

  • Information − We can search and get many search results for our questions and the information can increase knowledge.

  • Online Payment − Using payment modes such as Paytm, GPay, and Bhim UPI are many payment methods to pay online.

  • Digital Marketing − We are making our websites and making business online.

  • Net Banking Services − Banking services such as payment, debit, credit, changing our details, and scheduling payment are an integral part of secure payment.

  • Productive Collaboration − As we experienced, after the Covid pandemic, we have worked from home and made things work better than ever before by connecting through video conferencing and saving mobility.

As we know Internet has some of its disadvantages also, let’s now consider them −

Disadvantages Of Internet

  • Wastage of time − Considering today’s lifestyle, one prominent advantage of the Internet is addiction. People are getting addicted to the internet, watching videos and reels without realizing they are wasting so much of their time.

  • Cybercrime − It is increasing rapidly as more information is shared and getting leaked.

  • Accessibility of pornographic content − It is accessible to even children since there is complex information shared every day and it is hard to figure out the source of these images and videos. This is a big concern regarding children and their minds, parental security is necessary on mobile phones being used by children.

  • Identity theft − It is one major concern on a bigger level such as higher organizations, government, and private sectors.

  • Increase in cyber attacks in the banking sector and corporate sector − Information is getting leaked, shared, and misused for harm, theft, privacy violation, and harassment.

  • Fake Information or Misleading − People nowadays can easily manipulate any information and reclaim it to be true this could mislead people and their reliability towards information shared.

Advantages of Internet

Disadvantages of Internet

It provides great Accessibility to information.

Sometimes, the internet gives Complexity and False Information.

It inculcates easy and faster communication.

Unavailability in bad weather.

People would gain knowledge and obtain loads of information about services.

It leads to the insecurity of information and data loss.

It permits online payments and digital marketing.

It has a bigger Workload and Complex Designing.

It is efficient for business & organizational growth.

It is very expensive when done at the organizational level.

It leads to mass communication among people to spread awareness.

It produces more threats, cyber-attacks, harassment, and violations.

It facilitates social networks to increase development and collaboration.

Increase hate and fake information which can lead to mental health issues.

It provides more security in the banking sector and feasible solutions to issues.

Reliability and security are there, but as the internet is public and worldwide connected, there are chances that issues(viruses, threats) can occur.


The Internet is a real tool to help learn, connect, design, develop, and entertain in every sector. We are saving so many hours by doing work from home, getting connected through video conferences, and sharing documents online. Organizations can make decisions with betterment as different services are provided such as Analyzing, and Management of their data with security. It is also part of the risks involved as we share information on the internet sometimes which could lead to cyberbullying and attacks. It is advisable to use the internet under the limit and share our productive time with people we care about physically to stay healthy and connected.

Updated on: 02-Sep-2023

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