Advanced Backcross Quantitative Trait Locus (Ab-Qtl) Analysis


Agricultural research has come a long way over the years, with the advent of new technologies and methods. One such method is Advanced Backcross Quantitative Trait Locus (AB-QTL) analysis, which has revolutionized the field of plant breeding.

AB-QTL analysis is a powerful tool used to identify the genetic basis of complex traits in plants. It involves crossing two different plant varieties, and then backcrossing the offspring with one of the parents repeatedly, in order to create a population with a high degree of genetic diversity.

This population is then screened for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that are associated with desirable traits, such as yield, disease resistance, and drought tolerance.

The article below provides comprehensive knowledge on AB-QTL analysis, including its basic principles, advantages and limitations, experimental design, data analysis, and interpretation.

Basic Principles of AB-QTL Analysis

AB-QTL analysis is based on the principles of quantitative genetics, which involve the study of the genetic basis of complex traits that are influenced by multiple genes and environmental factors.

In AB-QTL analysis, two different plant varieties are crossed to create an F1 hybrid, which is then backcrossed with one of the parents repeatedly. This process results in a population with a high degree of genetic diversity, which can be used to identify the QTLs that are associated with the target trait.

The QTLs are regions of the genome that are responsible for the variation in the target trait. They can be identified by analysing the phenotype (observable trait) of the population, and correlating it with the genotypes (the genetic makeup) of the individuals. The QTLs can then be mapped onto the genome, and the genes that underlie them can be identified.

Advantages and Limitations of AB-QTL Analysis

AB-QTL analysis has several advantages over other methods of plant breeding, including −

High Degree of Genetic Diversity

The repeated backcrossing of the F1 hybrid with one of the parents results in a population with a high degree of genetic diversity, which increases the likelihood of identifying the QTLs that are associated with the target trait.

Low-Cost and Time-Efficient

AB-QTL analysis is a relatively low-cost and time-efficient method of plant breeding, as it does not require the use of expensive equipment or specialized facilities.

Identification of Multiple QTLs

AB-QTL analysis can identify multiple QTLs that are associated with the target trait, which can be used to develop plants with improved performance.

However, There Are Also Some Limitations to AB-QTL Analysis, Including

Limited Resolution

The resolution of AB-QTL analysis is limited by the size of the population and the number of markers used. This can result in QTLs being mapped to large regions of the genome, which makes it difficult to identify the specific genes that underlie them.

Limited Scope

AB-QTL analysis is only suitable for the identification of QTLs that are associated with quantitative traits, such as yield and disease resistance. It is not suitable for the identification of QTLs that are associated with qualitative traits, such as flower color or seed shape.

Experimental Design

The experimental design of AB-QTL analysis is critical for obtaining reliable results. The following steps are involved in the design of an AB-QTL experiment −

Selection of Parental Lines

The parental lines should be selected based on their genetic diversity and their performance for the target trait. The lines should also be genetically stable and have similar agronomic characteristics.

Crosses and Backcrossing

The F1 hybrid is created by crossing the two parental lines, and is then backcrossed with one of the parents repeatedly. The number of backcrosses depends on the genetic distance between the parental lines, the size of the population, and the resolution required for mapping the QTLs.

Population Size

The size of the population is an important factor in AB-QTL analysis, as it determines the statistical power and resolution of the analysis. A larger population size increases the resolution of the analysis, but also increases the cost and time required for the experiment. The recommended population size for AB-QTL analysis ranges from 100 to 1000 individuals, depending on the genetic distance between the parental lines and the complexity of the trait.

Marker Selection

The markers used in AB-QTL analysis should be highly polymorphic, evenly distributed across the genome, and have a high level of reproducibility. The most commonly used markers are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and simple sequence repeats (SSRs). The number of markers used depends on the size of the genome and the density required for mapping the QTLs. A minimum of 100 markers is recommended for AB-QTL analysis.


The population is phenotyped for the target trait, using appropriate methods and experimental designs. The phenotyping should be done in a controlled environment, to minimize the effect of environmental factors on the trait. The phenotypic data should be recorded accurately and reproducibly, to ensure the reliability of the analysis.

Data Analysis

The data generated from AB-QTL analysis is complex and requires advanced statistical methods for analysis. The following steps are involved in data analysis −

  • Data Quality Control: The genotypic and phenotypic data should be checked for quality and accuracy, and any errors or inconsistencies should be corrected or removed.

  • QTL Mapping: The genotypic and phenotypic data is used to map the QTLs onto the genome, using appropriate statistical methods such as interval mapping or composite interval mapping. The QTLs are then tested for their significance and effect size, using appropriate tests such as likelihood ratio tests or regression analysis.

  • QTL Validation: The identified QTLs are validated by testing them in independent populations, using appropriate methods such as marker-assisted selection or association mapping.

Gene Identification

The QTLs are mapped onto the genome, and the genes that underlie them are identified using bioinformatics and functional genomics methods. The identified genes are then validated using gene expression analysis, transgenic experiments, or functional assays.

Interpretation of Results

The results of AB-QTL analysis provide valuable insights into the genetic basis of complex traits in plants. The following factors should be considered when interpreting the results −

QTL Effect Size

The effect size of the identified QTLs should be considered, as it determines the magnitude of the improvement that can be achieved by selecting for the QTLs.

QTL Interactions

The interactions between the identified QTLs should be considered, as they can have a significant effect on the phenotype and the selection response.

Environmental Effects

The effect of environmental factors on the phenotype should be considered, as it can affect the reliability and reproducibility of the results.

Genetic Stability

The genetic stability of the identified QTLs should be considered, as it determines the long-term effectiveness of the selection.


AB-QTL analysis is a powerful tool for identifying the genetic basis of complex traits in plants and has the potential to revolutionize the field of plant breeding.

It involves crossing two different plant varieties, and then backcrossing the offspring with one of the parents repeatedly, in order to create a population with a high degree of homozygosity and a low level of genetic variability.

However, AB-QTL analysis also has some limitations and challenges that need to be addressed in future research.

In conclusion, AB-QTL analysis is a powerful and promising approach for identifying the genetic basis of complex traits in plants and has the potential to revolutionize plant breeding and agriculture. However, it also faces several challenges and limitations that need to be addressed through further research, innovation, and collaboration.

The future of AB-QTL analysis depends on the integration of advanced genomic, phenomics, and bioinformatic tools, as well as the involvement of stakeholders and communities in shaping the direction and impact of plant breeding research.

Updated on: 11-Apr-2023


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