Adminer - A Full-Featured MySQL Database Management Tool

If you work with MySQL databases, you know how important it is to have a reliable and user-friendly management tool. Adminer is one such tool that has gained popularity in recent years. In this article, we will explore features and benefits of using Adminer as a MySQL database management tool.

What is Adminer?

Adminer is a full-featured MySQL database management tool that allows you to manage databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, and permissions. It is an open-source tool that is available for free and can be installed on your local computer or web server. Adminer is lightweight, easy to install and use, and supports multiple languages.

Features of Adminer

Adminer has many features that make it a powerful tool for managing MySQL databases. Here are some of most notable ones −

  • Intuitive interface − Adminer has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to use even for beginners. interface is user-friendly and has all necessary features for managing databases.

  • Multi-language support − Adminer supports multiple languages, which means that you can use it in your preferred language. It supports more than 40 languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, and Chinese.

  • Lightweight − Adminer is a lightweight tool that does not require a lot of system resources. It is fast and responsive and does not slow down your computer or server.

  • Customizable − Adminer is highly customizable, and you can modify its appearance and behavior to suit your needs. You can change theme, add plugins, and configure settings to optimize performance.

  • Cross-platform − Adminer is a cross-platform tool that works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It is compatible with most web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Benefits of using Adminer

Adminer offers many benefits for managing MySQL databases. Here are some of most significant advantages −

  • Easy to use − Adminer has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to manage databases. You don't need to be an expert in MySQL to use it.

  • Saves time − Adminer is a time-saving tool that simplifies process of managing databases. You can perform tasks quickly and efficiently, which saves you time and effort.

  • Open-source − Adminer is an open-source tool that is available for free. You don't need to pay for expensive licenses or subscriptions.

  • Lightweight − Adminer is a lightweight tool that does not require a lot of system resources. It is fast and responsive and does not slow down your computer or server.

  • Customizable − Adminer is highly customizable, and you can modify its appearance and behavior to suit your needs. You can change theme, add plugins, and configure settings to optimize performance.

Examples of using Adminer

Here are some examples of using Adminer for managing MySQL databases −

  • Creating a database − To create a database in Adminer, you need to log in to your MySQL server and select "Create database" option. You can then enter database name and other details, such as character set and collation.

  • Managing tables − Adminer allows you to manage tables in your database, including creating new tables, editing existing tables, and deleting tables. You can also add or modify columns, set indexes, and manage relations between tables.

  • Importing and exporting data − Adminer allows you to import and export data to and from your MySQL database. You can import data from CSV or SQL files, and export data in various formats, including CSV, SQL, and XML.

  • Managing users and permissions − Adminer allows you to manage users and permissions for your MySQL server. You can create new users, modify existing users, and set permissions for each user.

  • Running SQL queries − Adminer allows you to run SQL queries directly from interface. You can write your own queries or use built-in query builder to generate queries without knowing SQL.

  • Viewing database statistics − Adminer allows you to view statistics about your MySQL database, such as number of tables, rows, and indexes. You can also see information about size of your database and its performance.

  • Exporting database structure − Adminer allows you to export structure of your MySQL database. This includes schema, tables, columns, indexes, and relations. You can export structure in various formats, including SQL and CSV.

How to install Adminer?

Installing Adminer is a simple process that can be done in a few steps. Here's how to install Adminer on a Linux server −

  • Download latest version of Adminer from official website.

  • Extract files from archive to a directory on your server.

  • Rename file "adminer.php" to something else, such as "myadmin.php", for security reasons.

  • Create a symbolic link from new filename to original "adminer.php" file. This makes it easier to access Adminer from a web browser.

  • Change permissions of "myadmin.php" file to make it executable.

  • Open a web browser and navigate to URL of "myadmin.php" file. You should see Adminer login page.

  • Enter your MySQL username and password to log in to Adminer.

Adminer is an excellent alternative to phpMyAdmin, which is another popular MySQL management tool. Compared to phpMyAdmin, Adminer is more lightweight, faster, and more user-friendly. It also has a smaller footprint, which makes it ideal for use on servers with limited resources.

Adminer also supports multiple database management systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, MS SQL, and others. This means that you can use it to manage different types of databases from a single interface. This is especially useful if you work with multiple databases or need to switch between databases frequently.

In addition to its features and benefits, Adminer is also highly customizable. You can change appearance of interface by selecting different themes or creating your own. You can also add plugins to extend its functionality or create your own plugins using PHP.

Adminer is also highly secure, as it uses encryption to protect sensitive data. It also supports multi-factor authentication and allows you to set up access control lists to restrict access to specific users or groups.

Overall, Adminer is an excellent tool for managing MySQL databases. Its user-friendly interface, customization options, and cross-platform compatibility make it a valuable addition to any developer or database administrator's toolkit. If you haven't tried Adminer yet, we highly recommend giving it a try.

One of unique features of Adminer is its ability to work with multiple servers simultaneously. This means that you can manage multiple databases on different servers from a single interface. This is a useful feature if you work with multiple clients or need to manage databases across different locations.

Another advantage of Adminer is its support for exporting and importing data in different formats. This means that you can easily move data between different databases or applications. You can export data in CSV, SQL, and XML formats, and import data from CSV and SQL files.

Adminer also has a built-in query builder that makes it easy to create complex SQL queries without having to write code manually. This is a useful feature for developers who need to retrieve data from multiple tables or perform complex calculations.


Adminer is a powerful and user-friendly tool for managing MySQL databases. It offers many features and benefits that make it a popular choice for developers and database administrators. With its simple interface, customization options, and cross-platform compatibility, Adminer is a tool that is worth considering for anyone who works with MySQL databases.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023


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