Adding double tap on any widget in Python Kivy

Python Kivy is a powerful framework for building multi-touch applications, allowing developers to create interactive and intuitive user interfaces. One common requirement in many applications is the ability to detect and respond to double tap gestures on specific widgets.

Setting up the Kivy Application

Before diving into the implementation of double tap functionality, we need to set up a basic Kivy application. This step provides a foundation for the subsequent code implementation.

We start by creating a new Python file and importing the necessary modules from the Kivy framework −

from import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label

Running the above code will open a Kivy application window with a vertical layout containing a label that says "Double Tap Me".

The App class is the base class for creating Kivy applications. The BoxLayout class is a layout container that arranges its children in a horizontal or vertical orientation. We import the Label class, which represents a text label widget.

Next, we define a class DoubleTapApp that inherits from the App class. This class represents our Kivy application and contains the build() method, which returns the root widget of the application 

class DoubleTapApp(App):
   def build(self):
      layout = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
      label = Label(text='Double Tap Me')
      return layout

In this example, we use a BoxLayout with a vertical orientation as the main layout. We create a Label widget with the text "Double Tap Me" and add it to the layout using the add_widget() method. Finally, we return the layout as the root widget of the application.

To test the basic setup, we run the application by adding the following code at the end of the file 

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running the application will display a window with the label "Double Tap Me" inside it. This ensures that the initial setup is functioning correctly.

Detecting Double Taps

To detect double tap gestures on widgets, we need to handle touch events within the Kivy application. Kivy provides a built-in Touch class that allows us to access information about touch events. We'll utilize this class to detect double taps.

In this step, we'll define a custom widget that inherits from the Label widget and overrides the on_touch_down() method 

class DoubleTapLabel(Label):
   def on_touch_down(self, touch):
      if touch.is_double_tap:
      return super().on_touch_down(touch)

   def on_double_tap(self):
      print("Double tap detected!")

When you run the above code and perform a double tap gesture on the label in the application window, the console will display the message "Double tap detected!".

In the on_touch_down() method, we check if the is_double_tap property of the touch object is True. This property indicates whether the touch event corresponds to a double tap gesture. If it is a double tap, we call the on_double_tap() method.

The on_double_tap() method represents the custom action that should be performed when a double tap is detected. In this example, we simply print a message to the console. You can modify this method to perform any desired action, such as updating the widget's appearance or triggering a specific behavior.

Adding Double Tap Functionality

Now that we have our custom widget with double tap detection, we can integrate it into our Kivy application. In this step, we'll replace the Label widget with our DoubleTapLabel widget.

Update the DoubleTapApp class in your Python file as follows

class DoubleTapApp(App):
   def build(self):
      layout = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
      label = DoubleTapLabel(text='Double Tap Me')
      return layout

When you run the above code and perform a double tap gesture on the label in the application window, the label's text will dynamically change to "You double tapped me!".

Here, we instantiate a DoubleTapLabel widget instead of a regular Label widget. This ensures that our custom widget, capable of detecting double tap gestures, is used in the application.

Save the changes and run the application again. You will now see the label "Double Tap Me" displayed. By performing a double tap gesture on the label, the message "Double tap detected!" will be printed to the console.

Customizing Double Tap Actions

In this step, we explore how to customize the action performed when a double tap is detected. The on_double_tap() method within the DoubleTapLabel class is where you can define your desired behavior.

For example, let's modify the on_double_tap() method to update the label's text to indicate that a double tap was detected 

class DoubleTapLabel(Label):
   def on_double_tap(self):
      self.text = "Double tap detected!"

Now, when a double tap is detected on the label, the text will automatically change to "Double tap detected!".

Feel free to experiment and adapt the code to suit your specific application requirements. You can navigate to different screens, display pop-ups, update multiple widgets simultaneously, or trigger any other functionality as needed.


Here, we explored how to implement double tap functionality on any widget in Python Kivy. By leveraging the touch events and customizing the on_touch_down() method, we enabled the detection of double tap gestures on specific widgets.

We began by setting up a basic Kivy application and then proceeded to detect double taps using the Touch class. We defined a custom widget that inherits from the Label widget and overrides the necessary methods to handle the touch events.

By replacing the existing widget with our custom widget, we successfully integrated the double tap functionality into the application. We also discussed how to customize the actions performed on double tap detection, allowing for tailored and interactive user experiences.

With this knowledge, you can enhance your Python Kivy applications by incorporating double tap functionality, enabling users to perform actions more efficiently and intuitively.

Updated on: 14-Aug-2023


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