Adding a prefix to each key name in a Python dictionary

Python dictionaries are versatile data structures that allow you to store key-value pairs. At times, you may need to modify the keys in a dictionary, such as adding a prefix to each key. This can be useful when you want to differentiate or categorize specific keys. In this blog post, we will explore a practical approach to adding a prefix to each key name in a Python dictionary efficiently.

Dictionaries in Python are unordered collections of items, where each item is a key-value pair. The keys in a dictionary are unique, and they provide a convenient way to access the corresponding values. While dictionaries are flexible for storing and retrieving data, there may be scenarios where you need to transform the dictionary keys to suit your requirements.

Adding a prefix to each key name in a dictionary can help you achieve better organization and structure within your data. For example, if you have a dictionary representing student information, you might want to add a prefix to differentiate the keys related to personal details (e.g., 'name', 'age') from keys related to academic information (e.g., 'subject', 'grade').

To accomplish this task, we will leverage the power of dictionary comprehension, a concise way to create new dictionaries by transforming the existing ones. By iterating over the keys of the dictionary and applying the desired modifications, we can efficiently create a new dictionary with the modified key names.

Define the dictionary

Let's start by defining a sample dictionary with some key-value pairs. For demonstration purposes, we will use a dictionary representing student names and their corresponding ages.

student_dict = {
   'John': 18,
   'Alice': 20,
   'Bob': 19,
   'Eve': 21

In the above code, student_dict is our original dictionary that we want to modify by adding a prefix to each key.

Create a new dictionary with prefixed keys

Now, let's iterate over the keys of the student_dict and create a new dictionary with modified key names. We will use a dictionary comprehension to achieve this.

prefix = 'prefix_'  # The prefix to add to each key name

prefixed_dict = {prefix + key: value for key, value in student_dict.items()}

In the above code, prefix is the prefix string we want to add to each key name. The dictionary comprehension iterates over the key-value pairs of the student_dict using the items() method, and for each pair, it creates a new key by concatenating the prefix with the existing key. The corresponding value remains the same.

Print the modified dictionary

Finally, let's print the modified dictionary to verify that the prefix has been added to each key name.


The output will display the modified dictionary with the prefixed key names 

   'prefix_John': 18,
   'prefix_Alice': 20,
   'prefix_Bob': 19,
   'prefix_Eve': 21

The new dictionary prefixed_dict contains the same values as the original student_dict, but with modified key names that have the prefix 'prefix_' added.

Handling Key Collisions

When adding a prefix to each key name, it's important to consider the possibility of key collisions. Key collisions occur when two or more keys in the dictionary result in the same modified key name after adding the prefix. This can lead to data loss because dictionary keys must be unique.

To handle key collisions, you can choose from a few strategies 

Skipping the Colliding Key

You can choose to skip the key altogether and not include it in the modified dictionary. This can be achieved by adding an if condition in the dictionary comprehension to check if the modified key already exists in the dictionary.

Appending a Unique Identifier

If you want to retain all the data, you can append a unique identifier to the modified key to ensure uniqueness. This identifier can be a number or any other distinguishing information that prevents key collisions.

Replacing the Colliding Key

Instead of skipping the colliding key, you can choose to replace it with the new modified key. This approach is useful if you want to update the value associated with the colliding key.

Consider your specific use case and choose the appropriate strategy to handle key collisions when adding a prefix to each key name in a dictionary.

Modifying Key Names In-Place

So far, we have created a new dictionary with modified key names. However, there may be situations where you want to modify the original dictionary itself instead of creating a new one. Modifying the dictionary in-place can be more memory-efficient, especially for large dictionaries.

To modify key names in-place, you can iterate over the keys of the dictionary, create a new key-value pair with the modified key name, and delete the old key. Here's an example −

prefix = 'pre_'
for key in list(original_dict.keys()):
   modified_key = prefix + key
   original_dict[modified_key] = original_dict.pop(key)

In this code, we iterate over a list of the keys obtained from original_dict.keys(). We create a modified_key by adding the prefix to each key and assign it the corresponding value from the original key-value pair using original_dict.pop(key). Finally, we delete the old key by calling original_dict.pop(key).

Keep in mind that modifying the original dictionary in-place will change the existing references to the dictionary. Make sure it aligns with your requirements before choosing this approach.


We learned how to add a prefix to each key name in a Python dictionary. We followed a step-by-step approach, starting with defining the original dictionary and then creating a new dictionary with modified key names using dictionary comprehension and string concatenation.

We discussed the importance of handling key collisions and provided strategies for dealing with them, such as skipping colliding keys, appending unique identifiers, or replacing colliding keys. Additionally, we introduced the concept of modifying key names in-place to save memory, where we iterate over the keys, create new key-value pairs, and delete the old keys.

By adding a prefix to each key name in a dictionary, you can enhance organization, categorization, and differentiation of keys based on your specific requirements. Whether you choose to create a new dictionary or modify the original one in-place, the techniques covered in this blog post provide you with the flexibility to manipulate dictionary keys effectively.

Updated on: 14-Aug-2023


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