Adapting Marketing to The New Economy

Keeping one's competitive edge. The best way to describe the level of competitiveness in business is as stiffly competitive. For business entrepreneurs, the throat-cutting rivalry is nothing new. They are constantly searching for fresh approaches to stay competitive. A business can survive and establish itself by adapting to the commercial world. What enables the Fortune-500 firms to remain innovative? Doubtlessly, their acceptance to change! Let's explain it using a very basic example. Why does your favorite social networking site, Facebook, frequently change? Despite being one of the most frequented websites, why does Facebook always update its content for you? Now consider if you would continue using "FB" if everything remained the same.

Some of The Key Factors Influencing the New Economy

  • Connectivity and digitalization - Digital information, which transforms text, data, sound, and image files into a stream of zeros and ones that can be combined into bits and transmitted from device to device, powers the majority of applications and systems used today.

  • Disintermediation and reintermediation - As a result of the digital revolution, thousands of business owners launched online ventures, which caused concern among many long-established manufacturers and retailers. websites like eBay, Amazon, and Yahoo! While some enterprises failed, others were prosperous.

  • Customization and Customization - Businesses became more adept at obtaining data on specific clients and business partners (suppliers, distributors, and retailers), which improved their capacity to customize market offerings, messaging, and media.

  • When a business can communicate with specific customers and respond by personalizing its goods, services, and messages, it has become more customer-focused.

  • Industry Convergence - The lines separating different industries are becoming increasingly hazy. New product lines are being added by pharmaceutical corporations. For instance, pharmaceutical businesses have expanded their operations to include biogenetic research, cosmetics, and health foods (nutraceuticals) in addition to chemical products.

How Are Business Procedures Evolving?

New beliefs and practices on the part of business firms are cited by developments in technology and the economy. Organizations are focusing more on customers these days, particularly customer happiness.

Organizations put more of an emphasis on the following during the Old Economy −

  • Arrange according to the Product Unit.

  • Concentrate on lucrative transactions.

  • Pay attention to the financial scoreboard.

  • Pay attention to the shareholders.

  • Marketing carries out the marketing.

  • Create brands through marketing.

  • Pay attention to consumer growth.

  • There is no way to gauge client satisfaction.

  • Promise too much and deliver too little.

Organizations are increasingly concentrating more on the following areas in the New Economy −

  • Organized by client segments.

  • Pay close attention to customer lifetime value.

  • Check out the scoreboard for marketing.

  • Pay attention to the stakeholders.

Hybrid Enterprise

There are new hybrid organizations and corporations in the new economy as well. These businesses blend elements of the new and old ways of doing things to establish hybrid forms of organizations. The following are the reasons why a company might choose to operate in a hybrid environment −

  • To keep skills and competencies that have previously been successful;

  • To acquire fresh knowledge and skills in order to advance and succeed;

  • In order to keep their loyal clientele (who do not buy online).

How E-business Is Changing Marketing Techniques?

E-business refers to the practice of conducting a company's operations through electronic platforms and tools.

  • Faster business conduct.

  • More precisely conducted business.

  • Lower-cost business done over a larger range of time and space.

  • The ability of the business to tailor and personalize its offerings to customers.

E-commerce is a more exact phrase than e-business; an e-commerce website offers items and services for sale in addition to providing visitors with information about the company's past., eToys, e-Plasticnet, and other companies are examples of companies that engage in online commerce.

E-marketing refers to a company's attempts to educate, connect, market, and sell its goods and services online. Four major Internet domains are used for e-commerce and e-marketing;

  • B2C - (business to consumer) (business to consumer)

  • B2B - (business to business) (business to business)

  • C2C – (consumers to consumers)

  • C2B – (consumers to business

  • Governments also operates internet domain such as; G2C; G2B; B2G; and C2G

Business to Consumers, or B2C

According to research and statistics, 106 million Americans used the internet in 2000. Of those, 80% were looking for information, 73% were researching products or services before making a purchase, 68% were looking for travel information, and 65% were looking for information on movies, books, and leisure activities.

Setting Up Websites: How Marketing Practices Are Changing

When creating an appealing website, use the "5 Cs," a set of five design components.

  • Design and layout of the context.

  • Content − The website's text, images, audio, and video.

  • Community − The site's ability to facilitate user-to-user interactions.

  • Customization − A site's capacity to adjust to diverse users or to enable user-created customizations.

  • Two-way communication between the user and the website

Putting Up Ads and Promos − Online businesses must choose the sort of advertising that will meet their advertising goals most affordably.

  • A Revenue and Profit Model is being built.

Dot-com businesses must explain to their investors how they plan to eventually turn a profit.

  • Revenue from advertising.

  • Revenue from sponsorship.

  • Revenue from membership and subscriptions.

  • Income from a profile.

  • Sales revenue from goods and services.

  • Fees and commissions for transactions.

  • Information and market research.

  • Income from Referrals


A new economy is being created by new market forces and technological advancements. If businesses and marketers want to succeed, they must include new strategies and techniques.

The four main forces influencing the new economy are industrial convergence, differentiation and reintermediation, customization and customerization, and digitalization and connection. Digitalization has brought exciting new possibilities, particularly regarding commercial and consumer capacities.

A number of corporate strategies from the old economy are being replaced by new ones, including customer segmentation, a focus on customer lifetime value, including stakeholders and everyone in marketing, establishing brands through consumer preferences, and emphasizing customer loyalty.

Businesses must first learn how to build an attractive website, how to promote on the website, and how to construct a dependable revenue and profitable model for their organization before implementing e-marketing.

Businesses are also honing their skills in customer relationship management (CRM), a discipline that focuses on meeting the unique demands of devoted customers, creating a customer database, and using data mining to spot trends, market niches, and consumer needs.

Identification and satisfaction of Human and Social Needs are fundamental to marketing. The phrase "meeting needs profitably" is among the shortest definitions.

Companies who neglect to keep an eye on their clients and rivals, as well as neglect to constantly enhance their value propositions, run the most risk.

Updated on: 16-Feb-2023


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