Actori Incumbit Onus Probandi: Definition and Meaning

This maxim states that in order to succeed in a lawsuit against the defendant, the plaintiff must provide evidence to support their claims. In a nutshell, the plaintiff establishes that the defendant committed the act that led to his or her suffering damages.

The simple act of bringing a case does not automatically imply that the plaintiff has won; rather, it provides the court with facts and proof that help to establish the claim against the defendant. Similar to civil cases, the burden of proof falls on the public prosecutor in criminal cases.

What is Actori incumbit onus probandi?

Actori Incubit Onus Probandi is a legal maxim of Latin origin. Onus Probandi, which is Latin for "the burden of proof," normally falls on the plaintiff who filed the lawsuit, hence the adage "the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff" refers to this fact.


A and B have been married for a very long time. However, B started harassing A for money and has been manhandling and abusing A for about a year. A required treatment for her physical and psychological torment. A then filed for divorce. In order to prove her case in front of the court's attentive eyes, A must show that B has injured her through physical and emotional attacks against her. As a result, the saying Actori Incumbit Onus Probandi is appropriate.


Civil−related Cases: The plaintiff must provide substantial and convincing evidence to the court that the claims he is making are true once the action has been filed. This raises the likelihood that the case will succeed.

Crime−related Cases: The prosecution has the burden of proof in criminal prosecutions. An individual is accused of committing a crime by a prosecutor, who then works to establish the individual's guilt in a court of law. The prosecutor's presentation of evidence will raise the likelihood of success, much like in civil cases.

Important Case Laws

There are some important case laws −

  • Kuthalingam Nadar vs. D.D.Murugesan: Actori incumbit onus probandi is a legal principle that is applied in this situation to render a decision. According to the plaintiff, who supports the second appeal, the suit second thing property forms a portion of the suit first thing property. The plaintiff claimed that the respondent interfered with the plaintiff's enjoyment of the second suit item. The subsequent suit was allowed by the High Court of Madras because the court stated that the burden of proof was on the aggrieved party to show that Rama Nadar (the plaintiff's seller's merchant) had owned 27 cents of land.

  • Indra Raja & Ors. v. John Yesurethinam: In this case, the court ruled that the "actori incumbit onus probandi" concept, which states that the burden of proof is on the plaintiff, is the fundamental rule of evidence law.

  • Sh. Sardul Singh vs. h. Kedar Nath Kohli: Actori incumbit onus probandi, which states that the burden of proof rests with either the plaintiff or the prosecution, is the rule of law. The plaintiff's case must stand on its own, and the plaintiff cannot assert that his claim is proven because the defendant's argument is weak.


It is the plaintiff's responsibility to prove his claims against the defendants; hence, it is incumbent upon him to do so. Commonly, the court directs the examination, yet the plaintiff must eventually support his claims. Because simply recording a case will not be sufficient to win it. All supporting documentation must be presented by the plaintiff, who must then submit it while the judge is watching.

As a result, in order to convince the judge, the argument must be supported by strong evidence. In criminal proceedings, it is the examiner's responsibility to provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt. The topic and degree of weight can include the concerns associated with proof as well as pleas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What do factum probans and onus probandi mean?

Ans: Onus probandi (the burden of evidence) and factum probans (proving the fact) are two crucial maxims found in the principle of Burden of evidence. Onus probandi is the legal term for when one party in a matter is given the burden of proving another party's side of a certain fact.

Q: What does onus probandi mean in the Indian Evidence Act?

Ans: A person who contests the legitimacy of any document submitted to a court of law is held liable, or "onus probandi."

Q: What is the principle of actori incumbit probatio?

Ans: The principle of “Actori incumbit probatio” means that the plaintiff in a legal dispute has the responsibility to provide evidence to support their claims. The defendant is not required to prove their innocence or disprove the plaintiff's claims unless the plaintiff has met their burden of proof.

Q: What is the meaning of the maxim onus probandi?

Ans: Onus Probandi is a general rule that a party who alleges the affirmative of any proposition shall prove it. The onus probandi lies upon the party who seeks to support his case by a particular fact of which he is supposed to be cognizant.

Updated on: 14-Nov-2023


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