Access Control Tactics in Computer Networks

In today's digital age, security of computer networks has become paramount. Computer networks are susceptible to a variety of security threats, ranging from unauthorized access to data breaches. To ensure security of computer networks, access control tactics play a crucial role. Access control is process of restricting access to resources in a computer network. This article explores access control tactics in computer networks, including their types and examples.

Types of Access Control Tactics

Access control tactics can be broadly classified into two types − physical access control and logical access control.

Physical Access Control

Physical access control is a security measure that restricts physical access to network resources. Physical access control tactics include −

Perimeter Security

Perimeter security is first line of defense for any network. It includes physical barriers such as walls, fences, and gates that prevent unauthorized entry into network.


Authentication is process of verifying identity of a user. This can be achieved through various means such as biometric authentication, smart cards, and tokens.

Video Surveillance

Video surveillance involves use of cameras to monitor physical environment. It helps in identifying and tracking intruders.

Environmental Controls

Environmental controls include measures such as fire suppression systems, temperature controls, and humidity controls. These measures help in protecting physical environment and prevent damage to network.

Logical Access Control

Logical access control is a security measure that restricts access to network resources based on a user's credentials. Logical access control tactics include −

Password Policies

Password policies enforce rules for creating strong passwords. These policies may include requirements for password length, complexity, and frequency of change.

Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

RBAC is a method of restricting access to network resources based on roles of users. Each user is assigned a role, and access is granted based on that role.

Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC)

ABAC is a method of restricting access to network resources based on attributes of users. Attributes may include a user's job title, location, and department.

Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

MFA is a method of authentication that requires users to provide two or more pieces of evidence to gain access to network resources. These pieces of evidence may include a password, a smart card, or a biometric factor.

Examples of Access Control Tactics


Firewalls are a type of perimeter security that controls access to a network by examining incoming and outgoing traffic. Firewalls can be hardware-based or software-based. They are designed to block unauthorized traffic and prevent unauthorized access to network resources.

Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication is a type of authentication that uses a user's physical characteristics to verify their identity. Biometric authentication can include fingerprints, facial recognition, iris recognition, and voice recognition. Biometric authentication is more secure than traditional authentication methods, such as passwords, as it is more difficult to fake or steal someone's physical characteristics.

Password Policies

Password policies enforce rules for creating strong passwords. Password policies may include requirements for password length, complexity, and frequency of change. Password policies are important as weak passwords are one of most common ways hackers gain access to networks.

Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

RBAC is a method of restricting access to network resources based on roles of users. Each user is assigned a role, and access is granted based on that role. RBAC is a common access control tactic used in enterprise networks.

Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC)

ABAC is a method of restricting access to network resources based on attributes of users. Attributes may include a user's job title, location, and department. ABAC is a flexible access control tactic as it allows for fine-grained access control based on specific user attributes.

Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

MFA is a method of authentication that requires users to provide two or more pieces of evidence to gain access to network resources. These pieces of evidence may include a password, a smart card, or a biometric factor. MFA is a more secure method of authentication than traditional single-factor authentication as it requires additional evidence to verify user's identity.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN is a type of network that allows users to securely access resources on a private network over a public network, such as internet. VPNs use encryption to ensure that data transmitted over network is secure. VPNs are commonly used by remote workers to access enterprise resources from outside corporate network.

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

IDS are security systems that monitor network traffic for signs of malicious activity. IDS can be either network-based or host-based. Network-based IDS monitor network traffic for signs of suspicious activity, while host-based IDS monitor individual hosts for signs of suspicious activity. IDS are important as they can help detect and prevent security breaches.

Data Encryption

Data encryption is process of converting data into a form that can only be read by someone who has key to decrypt data. Encryption is an important security measure as it helps protect sensitive data from unauthorized access. Encryption can be applied to data at rest, such as data stored on a hard drive, or data in transit, such as data transmitted over a network.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

SIEM systems are used to collect and analyze security-related data from various sources in order to identify potential security threats. These sources can include network devices, servers, applications, and other security systems. SIEM systems use correlation rules and advanced analytics to identify and alert security teams about suspicious behavior, allowing them to take action before a security breach occurs.

Network Segmentation

Network segmentation is process of dividing a network into smaller, more secure segments. This helps prevent spread of a security breach across entire network. By dividing network into smaller segments, security teams can apply access control and monitoring measures more effectively.

Least Privilege

The principle of least privilege is practice of granting users minimum level of access necessary to perform their job functions. This reduces risk of accidental or intentional misuse of privileges by users, and helps prevent spread of a security breach. Least privilege can be enforced through RBAC or ABAC access control models.

Patch Management

Software vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to network resources. Patch management is process of ensuring that software is up-to-date with latest security patches and updates. By keeping software up-to-date, organizations can reduce risk of security breaches caused by known vulnerabilities.

Network Access Control (NAC)

NAC is a network security technology that enforces security policies on devices that attempt to access a network. NAC systems can check devices for compliance with security policies such as up-to-date anti-virus software or use of a VPN. If a device is found to be non-compliant, it may be denied access to network.

Application Control

Application control is process of restricting use of certain applications on a network. This can be used to prevent installation or execution of malicious software, or to enforce compliance with corporate policies. Application control can be implemented using whitelisting or blacklisting techniques.


Access control tactics are a crucial aspect of computer network security. They help restrict access to network resources and prevent unauthorized access. Physical access control tactics such as perimeter security and authentication help protect physical environment, while logical access control tactics such as RBAC and ABAC help restrict access to network resources based on user credentials. Examples of access control tactics include firewalls, biometric authentication, password policies, RBAC, ABAC, MFA, VPNs, IDS, and data encryption. By implementing these tactics, organizations can ensure security of their computer networks and protect against security threats.

Updated on: 27-Sep-2023


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