Accenture Interview Questions for Freshers

Accenture is the world leader in management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing. As a result, we've compiled a list of the most frequently asked Accenture interview questions for freshers.

Distinguish between Array and ArrayList provided by Java

Once the Array is constructed, we can’t revise the length of the Array. While in the ArrayList, we can change the length. An Array can hold objects and primitive data types, whereas an ArrayList can only hold objects. The Array can be single-dimensional or multidimensional, while ArrayList can only be single-dimensional. The Array is static, while the ArrayList is dynamic.

What is the “Diamond problem” in Java

Java does not allow multiple inheritances. Due to this, one class can’t inherit properties of more than one class. This problem of we can’t inherit more than one class is known as the Diamond problem.

What is the memory allocation process in C?

The assignment of physical or virtual memory space to computer programs and services is known as memory allocation. Memory allocation can occur before or during the program's execution. Memory allocations can be split into two categories −

  • Compile time or static memory allocation
  • Run time or dynamic memory allocation

What is meant by the Friend function in C++?

A friend function in C++ is defined as a function that can access a class's private, protected, and public members.

We declare a friend function inside the body of a class whose private and protective data needs to be accessed, starting with the keyword friend to access the data. We use them when we need to operate between two different classes simultaneously.

What are the access specifiers in C++?

Access specifiers define how a class's members (attributes and methods) can be accessed. There are 3 access specifiers in C++, which are Public, Private, and Protected.

Explain the basic difference between method overloading and overriding.

Method overloading implements compile-time polymorphism, while method overriding implements run-time polymorphism. Method overloading helps increase the readability of a code whereas overriding is used to grant the specific implementations of the method already provided by its superclass.

Explain dynamic memory and static memory allocation

When the memory is allocated at the compile time, this type of memory allocation is known as static memory allocation. In contrast, when memory is allocated at run time, this is known as dynamic memory allocation. Static memory allocation is preferred in the array, and dynamic memory allocation is preferred in the linked list. Static memory allocation saves time as it is faster than dynamic memory allocation.

What is normalization in the database? What are its types?

Normalization is a database design technique through which we can reduce data redundancy and eliminate undesirable characteristics like Insertion, Update, and Deletion Anomalies. Using relationships, normalization rules break up large tables into smaller ones. In SQL, normalization ensures that data is stored logically and eliminates redundant data.

Here are some of the normalization types −

  • First Normal Form(1NF)
  • Second Normal Form(2NF)
  • Third Normal Form(3NF)
  • Boyce-Codd Normal Form(BCNF)

Can you explain the differences between the Primary and Unique keys in SQL?

The primary key serves as a unique identifier for each row in a table. A unique key uniquely determines a row that isn't the primary key. The primary key can’t accept NULL values, while the Unique key accepts NULL values. There is only one primary key in a database, while there can be multiple unique keys.

What is the DML command in DBMS?

DML stands for data manipulation language. The SQL database's data are altered by the DML commands in Structured Query Language. DML commands simplify us to access, store, modify, update, and delete existing database records.

Differentiate between DELETE and TRUNCATE commands in SQL?

Delete command is used to delete specific rows from the table, while Truncate deletes all the rows from the table. The Delete command is slower than the Truncate command. The Delete command occupies more transaction space than the Truncate command. The Delete can be used with indexed views, while Truncate cannot be used with indexed views.

Differentiate between "Hot Backup" and "Cold Backup" in the database.

A hot backup is carried out while users are still logged into the system, While a cold backup is carried out with all users offline.

When downtime must be kept to a minimum, hot backups should be used, and cold backups should be used when no users need to access the system.

What is XML?

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. XML is a software and hardware-independent tool for storing and transporting data. XML was designed to be self-descriptive.

What is the difference between BRD and SRS?

BRD is commonly known as a Business Requirement Specification Document. SRS is also called a System Requirement Specification. It focuses on business requirements and stakeholder requirements. It focuses on functional and non-functional requirements. BRD is used in the initiation phase, while SRS is used in the planning phase.

What are the advantages of microservice?

Services that can be managed independently are microservices. As the need arises, it may enable an increasing number of services. It has a minimal effect on the current service. Instead of upgrading the application, you can upgrade or change each service individually. It has less dependency, is easy to test, has dynamic scaling, faster release cycle.

What is a Shell? What are the different types of shells?

A shell is a program that connects a user to the kernel of an operating system (OS). When a user logs in or opens a terminal or console window, an operating system starts a shell for that user.

Here are the different types of shells −

  • Bourne Shell(sh)
  • C Shell(csh)
  • Korn Shell(ksh)
  • Bourne Again Shell(bash)
  • Z Shell(zsh)

Updated on: 01-Nov-2022


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