Abolition of Titles: Understanding the Significance


The abolition of articles under Indian constitution was an important step to the betterment of Indian society. This step had taken the Indian society to the new level of generosity. This is why, its responsibility of every Indians to know about this revolutionary step.

If you are preparing for the government exams, then abolition of articles is a very important topic for your preparation. Please read this article fully for gaining all the related information about it.

So, let's start-

What is Abolition of Titles?

The Indian Constitution abolished all titles, except military and academic ones, with the passing of the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act in 1956. The objective of this move was to create a classless society by removing the privileges associated with titles and encouraging meritocracy instead.

The titles that were abolished included those like "Maharaja," "Raja," "Rao," "Bahadur," "Sardar," "Sahib," and "Sri." The use of such titles was banned for citizens of India, and the government was prohibited from conferring any titles. However, the government can still confer military and academic titles such as "General," "Dr.," and "Professor," respectively.

Provisions of Article 18 Under Indian constitution

Article 18 of the Indian Constitution deals with the abolition of titles and the prohibition of their use. The following are the four provisions of Article 18:

Abolition of Titles

The State shall not confer any titles except military and academic ones.

Prohibition of Titles

Citizens of India are prohibited from accepting titles from foreign states. Any person who accepts a title from a foreign state without the permission of the President of India shall be deemed to have ceased to be a citizen of India.

Abolition of Titles by Citizens

Any citizen of India who holds any title specified in Article 18 shall cease to hold the same after the commencement of the Indian Constitution.

Freedom from Titles

No person who is not a citizen of India shall be entitled to use any title except under the permission of the President of India.

Significance of Abolition of Titles

The abolition of titles is significant for several reasons. Here are few of them:

Promotes Equality

Abolition of titles promotes the idea of equality among all citizens regardless of their social status, financial standing or caste.

Discourages Feudalism

Abolition of titles discourages the practice of feudalism, which was prevalent in India during the British colonial era.

Encourages Meritocracy

Abolition of titles encourages meritocracy by giving opportunities to individuals based on their abilities rather than their lineage.

Preserves National Unity

Abolition of titles helps to preserve national unity by preventing any discrimination on the basis of caste, religion or ethnicity.

Increases Social Mobility

Abolition of titles increases social mobility, allowing people to rise up the social ladder based on their hard work and abilities.

Promotes Nationalism

Abolition of titles promotes nationalism by emphasizing the value of being a citizen of India rather than the importance of any inherited title.

Encourages The Adoption of Modern Values

Abolition of titles encourages the adoption of modern values by eliminating outdated practices and promoting a more contemporary outlook.

Enhances National Dignity

Abolition of titles enhances the dignity of the nation by promoting the idea of self-respect and self-worth based on individual achievements rather than inherited status.

Promotes Secularism

Abolition of titles promotes the secularism enshrined in the Indian Constitution by discouraging the use of religious titles.

Helps to Eradicate Poverty

Abolition of titles helps to eradicate poverty by giving equal opportunities to everyone, regardless of their social status or caste.

Why Abolition of Titles Was the Necessary Step for Indian Society

The Abolition of Titles was the necessary step for Indian society and here are the reasons:

Promotes Equality

The use of titles creates a distinction between individuals based on their social status, lineage, and financial status, which is against the principle of equality enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

Encourages Meritocracy

Abolition of titles encourages meritocracy by giving opportunities to individuals based on their abilities rather than their lineage.

Fights Feudalism

The use of titles is often associated with feudalism and a class-based society, which is against the democratic principles of India.

Promotes National Unity

The use of titles can create divisions within society based on caste, religion, and ethnicity, leading to conflicts and tensions.

Encourages Modern Values

The use of titles is often associated with outdated practices and values that are not compatible with modern society.

Preserves National Dignity

The use of titles can be seen as a remnant of India's colonial past, and abolishing them was a way to preserve national dignity and self-respect.


Q1. What is the meaning of the abolition of titles in the Indian Constitution?

Ans: The abolition of titles refers to the removal of certain titles that were used to distinguish individuals based on their social status, financial standing, and lineage.

Q2. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the abolition of titles?

Ans: Article 18 of the Indian Constitution deals with the abolition of titles and the prohibition of their use.

Q3. What types of titles are allowed to be conferred by the State under Article 18?

Ans: The State is allowed to confer military or academic distinctions, but no titles can be conferred by the State.

Q4. Why did India abolish titles?

Ans: India abolished the titles to promote equality, discourage feudalism, and eliminate discrimination based on social status and lineage.

Q5. How did the abolition of titles affect Indian society?

Ans: The abolition of titles promoted the principles of equality, meritocracy, national unity, modern values, and national dignity. It helped in building a more egalitarian, democratic, and modern society in India.

Updated on: 15-May-2023


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