(a) What is meant by 'grafting' as a means of propagation in plants?
(b) Define 'stock' and 'scion'.
(c) Describe the grafting method for the artificial propagation of plants with the help of labeled diagrams.
(d) Name two fruit trees that are usually propagated by the grafting method.
(e) State two advantages of the grafting method of artificial propagation of plants.
(f) What is the difference between the cuttings method and the grafting method for the artificial propagation of plants?

(a) Grafting is a method of artificial propagation in which the stem of two plants are cut, one with the roots and another without roots. Then these stems are joined together to form a single plant. The success of this joining requires that the vascular tissues grow together.

(b) The lower portion of the graft, which is the stem and with roots is termed as a stock. The upper portion of the graft, (stem) without roots is termed as a scion.

(c) In grafting, two plants of the desired traits are chosen, then the plant that has been chosen as the scion (stem without roots) is cut slantingly, then the stock (stem with roots) is also cut in the same manner from the other plant. After that, the scion is placed over the stock and tightly joined together in such a way with a piece of cloth or using a polythene sheet that it grows as a single plant.

(d) Peach and Apple trees are propagated by the method of grafting.

(e) The two advantages of grafting method of artificial propagation of plants are:
1. Plants with desired characteristics are obtained.
2. Young stems can be made to flower and bear fruits quickly.

(f)  The difference between the cuttings method and grafting method for the artificial propagation of plants are as follows:
Cuttings method Grafting method
1. Only one plant is involved. 1. Two plants are involved.
2. The new plant forms are identical to its parent. 2. The new plant has characteristics of both the parents.
3. Example- Sugar cane and Mint. 3. Example- Peer and Peach.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2023


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