A Web Analytical Tool Can Boost Your Site’s Performance

Have you checked your website’s performance recently? Is it performing well? Or do you need some overhauling to boost its performance? You may be wondering, what is the need when my site is going great. Then you are doing a big mistake, your site may be getting a good response today, but as the time passes it may be lost in the crowd due to the continuous changes in human behavior which affects on search patterns. So, it is important to check your site’s performance in a regular interval, the way you do the maintenance of your favorite car.

Whether you are a blogger used to publish articles on your website or a businessman selling products online, it is essential to measure certain parameters regularly which can help you to update your digital campaign to boost your site’s performance.

That is what called web analytics, the process of collecting and analyzing data from your websites to update your strategy by filling the gaps for optimal performance.

There are many web analytics tools available in the market such as Google Analytics tool, Mint, Spring Metrics, Woopra, Clicky and much more which can be used to collect the necessary data when needed. Every tool has its own significant features. Let’s discuss various web analytical tools which help in analyzing your data to get the maximum benefit from the web.

What to Analyze with the Tool

Let’s assume that you are the owner of a toy store. So, you have created a nice website with catchy content and attractive images. Now after completing the design works, you launched your website online with much fanfare.

After a few weeks, you want to check how your site is performing over the period. So, you take the help of a web analytical tool to analyze the site’s performance. But seeing the ocean of information the tool is providing, you may be wondering which information is relevant and how this data can help you to enhance your business? Let’s find out –

As you are selling toys on your site, so the data related to visitors behaviors can be useful for you. The data like a number of visitors visited a particular product page; the amount of time they stayed on the page can be useful to judge the interest level and popularity of the product. Also, the data related to the numbers of people fills the form to contact you or check your contact page to see the stores address and directions can provide you the useful information about the rate of conversions.

Let’s discuss what you can get from these web analytical tools and how that can be useful to boost the traffic to your websites.

What are the Devices Mostly Used

The web analytical tools can provide you the useful information on the types of devices visitors are using to viewing your website. But what is the use of that for you?

For example, you have noticed that there are a substantial number of people using Android mobile devices to view your website. So, the first step is to check whether your website is properly designed for mobile devices. Are the texts, pictures, and various layouts of your site are displaying properly on a mobile device? If not, then it’s time to work on the designing part to make it mobile friendly.

So, the first step is to check whether your website is properly designed for mobile devices. Are the texts, pictures, and various layouts of your site are displaying properly on a mobile device? If not, then it’s time to work on the designing part to make it mobile friendly.

The Average Amount of Time Spent by the Visitors

The amount of time, the visitors spend on various web pages can provide you useful information about those web pages which are increasing visitor’s interest level and vice-versa.

For example, more visitors are found in one of the webpage containing an article on latest technologies, however you found that they are leaving your site in a short time. This data can give you important information that – though titles, headlines and initial description are good but there is some issue with the overall content of the article. You need to improve the content’s quality to make it more engaging.

Number of Visitors Turning to Actual Customer

By analyzing the conversion rate, you will get a better idea, whether your digital campaign is working fine or need improvements. The low conversion rate gives you a warning that its time to update the overall contents of your site to enhance quality.

For example, if you noticed that the conversion rate is well below the expected range, then it is an indication that either your products are losing popularity or the web page lacks quality content. Data and analytics can help in understanding the trends. For instance, if you are an e-Commerce site having an upto date information on least selling products, you may offer some discounts to your customer to boost the sale.

Unique Visitors and Returning Visitors

This is another important data to analyze, with the help of any web analytical tool. The high numbers of unique visitors tell you that your site is gaining popularity among the users, while significant drops in the numbers warn you to work upon it.

Similarly, if the graph of returning visitors count is mostly constant throughout certain periods indicates that your site is going well. But significant drop calls you to take the appropriate action quickly.

Day-wise breakup of Sales Figure

It is another important data you should analyze to improve your sales. The day-wise sales data enable you to take the appropriate business decision to increase the sales.

Let’s assume that, you have owned a multi cuisine restaurant in your city. The business is running steadily but couldn’t see any significant jump in customers for a while. So, you thought to analyze the daily sales data.

While analyzing the data of last one month, you found that there is a little jump in sales figure on the weekends when compared to the regular weekdays. So, what will be your next step?

To grow the business more on the weekends, you can advertise heavily the USP of your business in the weekends targeting the weekend’s customer. Also, you may run some offers for the weekday’s customer to boost the weekday’s sales figure.

There are plenty of useful data you can collect from the web analytical tools. But. all those information may not be relevant to you. So, analyze the relevant information according to your goal and take the appropriate action to boost your site’s perfromance.

Updated on: 23-Jan-2020


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