A Pact with The Sun


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The author, Zakir Hussain’s educational tale "A Pact with the Sun" was first published in the Urdu language. This story reveals that Saeeda's mother was denied access to nutritious food, sunlight, and fresh air and continued to feel ill. As the tale goes, we discover how her daughter makes a deal with the sun's beams to warm her frail old mother.

Further, how the sun helps Saeeda's mother to recover from her long phase of sickness. The tutorial highlights the relevance of fresh air and the Sun's warmth and why it is essential in maintaining good health. The story also describes how to treat the sick.


Saeeda's mother had become ill, but she had not been provided with the appropriate medical care for her symptoms. Although she has been seen by many physicians, there has been no visible improvement in her health, which has been steadily declining. As her condition was worsening saeeda's mother was persuaded to consult a specialist. Though Saeeda's mother was unable to afford the fees due to her financial situation she somehow managed to sell a few items in order to pay the substantial expenses. In a few days, the doctor came and checked Saeeda's mother. Effective medication was prescribed. He also advised her to follow a regular diet like chapati, vegetables, milk, fruits, etc., In addition, he also suggested her to get some fresh air and sunlight during the morning for an hour.

Everyone was responding to the advice; some people were in favour of it, while others were against it. The argument continued, but Saeeda's mother remained silent and made the decision to do what the doctor said. However, the sky stayed cloudy for a few days. In despair, Saeeda’s mother prayed to God, asking him to save her from her failing health. Saeeda was nearby playing with her doll and listened to her mother's lament. Saeeda prayed to the beam of the sun that was leaving, asking it to bring her mother some warmth and sunshine since her mother was in desperate need of it. The ray gave his word that he would return the next morning. On the other hand, the clouds were scattered over the sky the next day, which prevented the sun's rays from penetrating the clouds and reaching the ground.

The sun signaled the rays to take off. However, the ray had made a promise to Saeeda. Therefore, the rays rebelled against the sun and made the decision to go to Earth in order to treat Saeeda's sick mother. The Sun finally gave in, but before he did, he cautioned them to be careful with their clothes. The rays were determined to help, so they sent out focused heat to blow the clouds out of the way. When Saeeda finally saw the sun, she was overjoyed and immediately informed her mother to come out. The sun's rays came down as they promised in large numbers, and brought Saeeda's mother back to life. Her mother spent some time in the sun and began to feel better. She eventually recovered her health.


Typically, the ratio of oxygen to nitrogen and carbon dioxide in indoor air is not as healthy as it should be, and this is particularly true in confined spaces that have little ventilation. Outdoor air often contains greater concentrations of oxygen compared to the air found inside buildings. Natural sunlight is not only good for the environment but is also good for your health. Sunlight enhances vitamin B and D, boosts circulation, lowers the growth of harmful bacteria, and supports a stronger immune system. Therefore, exposure to sunshine and fresh air may help us feel better in a variety of ways, such as enhancing our moods and reducing stress, improving our circulatory systems, speedy recovery, and developing health in general. Going outdoors is not only beneficial for our bodies, but it also has a beneficial effect on our mental well-being, thus it is something that should be done by everyone. When it comes to children, it plays an important part in their entire development, and it does so on a variety of levels. Children may improve their ability to concentrate, self-discipline, and behavior by spending time outside in nature. Another essential point raised in the chapter is the need and importance of seeking correct medical assistance as soon as possible. Delaying medical attention might lead to the worsening of your existing medical issues. It can extend your symptoms or condition into an advanced state, which could cause extra mental anguish and stress.


The tutorial concludes by imparting two important things (i) a person's quality of life will be enhanced the more they are exposed to natural sunlight and air. Both sunlight and clean air have therapeutic properties. (ii) Never delay medical care since it puts lives in danger.


Q1. What did the physicians ask Saeeda’s mother to do to get well? Did their advice help her? If not, why?

Ans: The other physicians advised Saeeda's mother that in order to recover, she should refrain from eating regular meals and should lock herself up in her filthy, small room, with the doors and windows closed, and not get any fresh air or sunlight. No, their recommendations did not help her get well since the things which she need to feel better were healthy food, clean air, and warm sunlight.

Q2. What did the specialist prescribe in addition to medicine?

Ans: In addition to effective medication, the specialist prescribed a normal diet like chapati, vegetables, milk, fruits, etc., He also advised her to follow a regular diet like chapati, vegetables, milk, fruits, etc. He also suggested her to get some fresh air and sunlight during the morning for an hour.

Q3. What did Saeeda tell the sunrays to do?

Ans: Saeeda prayed to the beam of the sun that was leaving and asked them to bring her mother some warmth and sunshine as she was in desperate need of it.

Q4. Why were the sunrays keen to go down to the earth the next day?

Ans: The sunrays were eager to return to the earth the next day since they had promised Saeeda that they would do so, and help her mother. They feared being called liars if they didn't attend.

Q5. Why are fresh air and sunlight important for all?

Ans: Natural sunlight is not only good for the environment but is also good for our health. Sunlight enhances vitamin B and D, boosts circulation, lowers the growth of harmful bacteria, and supports a stronger immune system. Therefore, exposure to sunshine and fresh air may help us feel better in a variety of ways like enhancing our moods and reducing stress, improving our circulatory systems, speedy recovery, and developing health in general. Going outdoors is beneficial for both our physical and mental well-being. Thus, it is something that should be done by everyone. When it comes to children, it plays an important part in their entire development, and it does so on a variety of levels. Children may improve their ability to concentrate, self-discipline, and behavior by spending time outside in nature.

Updated on: 04-Jan-2023


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