A Guide To Buying A Linux Laptop

Linux is a popular open-source operating system that is favored by many programmers, developers, and tech enthusiasts. If you're looking to buy a Linux laptop, you may be wondering where to start. In this guide, we'll go over everything you need to know before making a purchase, including hardware requirements, compatibility, and popular brands.

Hardware Requirements for a Linux Laptop

Before diving into specifics of different Linux laptop models, it's important to know what hardware requirements your laptop should have to run Linux smoothly. good news is that Linux doesn't require a lot of computing power, so even an older model laptop can work well with Linux installed.

First and foremost, make sure that laptop you're considering has a processor that is compatible with Linux. This includes CPUs made by Intel and AMD, but be sure to double-check compatibility of specific model you're interested in. Additionally, laptop should have at least 4 GB of RAM and 128 GB of storage. These specifications will ensure that your laptop can run Linux applications efficiently.

Another factor to consider is graphics card. If you're using your Linux laptop for graphic-intensive work like video editing or gaming, make sure to choose a laptop with a powerful GPU. Some popular options include Nvidia GeForce and AMD Radeon graphics cards.

Compatibility with Linux

When it comes to buying a Linux laptop, compatibility is key. Not all laptops are compatible with Linux, so it's important to do your research before making a purchase. Ideally, you want a laptop that has been certified by manufacturer to work with Linux. This means that manufacturer has tested laptop with various Linux distributions and verified that it works without any major issues.

Some popular manufacturers that offer Linux laptops include Dell, Lenovo, System76, and ZaReason. These manufacturers typically offer laptops that are pre-installed with Linux and have been tested for compatibility. If you're looking to install Linux on a laptop yourself, it's important to choose a laptop with hardware that is known to work well with Linux. You can check online forums and reviews to see what other Linux users have to say about a particular laptop model.

Popular Brands of Linux Laptops

There are many brands of Linux laptops to choose from, each with their own unique features and specifications. Below are some of most popular brands of Linux laptops, along with a brief overview of what they offer.


Dell is one of most well-known manufacturers of Linux laptops. They offer a wide range of laptops that are pre-installed with Ubuntu, one of most popular Linux distributions. Dell laptops are known for their high-quality hardware and excellent customer support. Some popular Dell Linux laptops include Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition and Dell Precision 5550.


Lenovo is another popular manufacturer of Linux laptops. They offer a variety of laptops that are pre-installed with either Ubuntu or Fedora, another popular Linux distribution. Lenovo laptops are known for their durability and affordability. Some popular Lenovo Linux laptops include Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon and Lenovo ThinkPad T14.


System76 is a company that specializes in manufacturing Linux laptops and desktops. They offer a range of laptops that are pre-installed with their own Linux distribution, called Pop!_OS. System76 laptops are known for their high-quality hardware and excellent performance. Some popular System76 Linux laptops include System76 Gazelle and System76 Oryx Pro.


ZaReason is a smaller company that specializes in manufacturing Linux laptops and desktops. They offer a range of laptops that are pre-installed with various Linux distributions, including Ubuntu and Fedora. ZaReason laptops are known for their affordability and customization options. Some popular ZaReason Linux laptops include ZaReason UltraLap 6440 and the ZaReason Verix 6440.

Choosing Right Linux Distribution

Once you've chosen a Linux-compatible laptop, next step is to choose a Linux distribution to install. There are many different distributions of Linux to choose from, each with their own unique features and benefits.

Ubuntu is one of most popular Linux distributions, known for its ease of use and wide range of software available. It's a great choice for beginners who are new to Linux.

Fedora is another popular Linux distribution that is known for its cutting-edge technology and frequent updates. It's a great choice for developers and power users who need latest software and tools.

Debian is a stable and reliable Linux distribution that is often used for server deployments. It's a great choice for those who need a dependable and secure operating system.

There are many other Linux distributions to choose from, including Arch Linux, CentOS, and Mint. Each distribution has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to choose one that best fits your needs.

Additional Factors to Consider

In addition to hardware requirements, compatibility, and popular brands, there are a few more factors to consider when buying a Linux laptop.

Battery Life

If you're planning to use your Linux laptop on-the-go, make sure to choose a laptop with a long battery life. Look for laptops with at least 8-10 hours of battery life, especially if you plan to use your laptop for intensive tasks like coding or gaming.

Screen Size

Consider screen size of laptop as it can impact your overall experience. If you prefer a larger screen, look for laptops with a 15-inch or 17-inch display. If you need a smaller, more portable laptop, consider a 13-inch display.

Keyboard and Touchpad

keyboard and touchpad of a laptop can greatly impact your overall experience. Look for laptops with comfortable keyboards and precise touchpads. If you prefer a more tactile keyboard, consider a laptop with a mechanical keyboard.


Linux laptops are available in a wide range of prices, so it's important to consider your budget when making a purchase. Determine how much you're willing to spend before starting your search to narrow down your options.


Buying a Linux laptop can be a daunting task, but with right knowledge and preparation, it can be a rewarding experience. When choosing a Linux laptop, make sure to consider hardware requirements, compatibility, and popular brands. Additionally, be sure to choose a Linux distribution that best fits your needs.

Remember, Linux is all about customization and flexibility, so don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. With right Linux laptop, you can unleash your creativity and take your work to next level.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023


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