A Comprehensive Guide to Using Snap Packages on Ubuntu

Snap packages are a modern way of packaging and distributing software on Ubuntu. They are containerized applications that run in a sandboxed environment and are designed to work across different Linux distributions. Snap packages offer several advantages over traditional packaging methods, including better security, easier installation, and automatic updates. In this guide, we will take a comprehensive look at using snap packages on Ubuntu.

What are Snap Packages?

Snap packages are self-contained, containerized applications that run in a sandboxed environment. They are designed to work across different Linux distributions and provide an easy way to install and manage software on Ubuntu. Snap packages are created using Snapcraft tool, which allows developers to package their applications and their dependencies into a single file. This makes it easy to distribute and install software on Ubuntu.

Installing Snapd

To use snap packages on Ubuntu, you need to have snapd installed. Snapd is daemon that manages snap packages. To install snapd, open terminal and type following command −

sudo apt install snapd

Installing Snap Packages

To install a snap package, you can use snap command followed by name of package. For example, to install Firefox snap package, you can use following command −

sudo snap install firefox

This will download and install Firefox snap package. Once installation is complete, you can launch Firefox from Applications menu or by typing firefox in terminal.

Managing Snap Packages

Snap packages can be managed using snap command. following are some of most commonly used snap commands −

  • snap find − This command allows you to search for snap packages in Snap Store.

  • snap install − This command allows you to install a snap package.

  • snap remove − This command allows you to remove a snap package.

  • snap refresh − This command allows you to update a snap package to latest version.

  • snap list − This command allows you to list all installed snap packages.

For example, to search for a package in Snap Store, you can use following command −

snap find package_name

To remove a package, you can use following command −

sudo snap remove package_name

sudo snap remove package_name

Snap packages are automatically updated by default. However, you can also manually update snap packages using snap command. To update a snap package, you can use following command −

sudo snap refresh package_name

This will update package to latest version.

Snap Package Configuration

Snap packages are designed to run in a sandboxed environment, which means they have limited access to system resources. However, you can configure snap packages to have access to certain system resources using snap interfaces.

Snap interfaces are predefined sets of permissions that allow snap packages to access system resources such as network, USB devices, and sound devices. You can view available snap interfaces using following command −

snap interfaces

To connect a snap package to a specific interface, you can use following command −

sudo snap connect package_name:interface_name

For example, to give Firefox snap package access to network, you can use following command −

sudo snap connect firefox:network

In addition to benefits already mentioned, snap packages offer several other advantages over traditional packaging methods. Here are some additional benefits of using snap packages on Ubuntu −

Version Control

Snap packages provide version control, which means you can install multiple versions of same package and switch between them as needed. This is particularly useful for developers who need to test their applications on different versions of dependencies.

Dependency Management

Snap packages include all necessary dependencies, which means you don't have to worry about installing and managing dependencies separately. This is particularly useful for complex applications with many dependencies.

Easy Rollback

Snap packages provide easy rollback, which means you can easily revert to a previous version of a package if there are any issues with latest version. This is particularly useful for system administrators who need to ensure system stability.


Snap packages run in a sandboxed environment, which means they have limited access to system resources. This provides an additional layer of security and helps to prevent malicious applications from accessing sensitive system resources.

Cross-Distribution Compatibility

Snap packages are designed to work across different Linux distributions, which means you can distribute your applications to users on other distributions without having to worry about compatibility issues.

Automatic Updates

Snap packages are automatically updated by default, which means you always have latest version of software. This helps to ensure that your applications are up-to-date and secure.

Easy Distribution

Snap packages are easy to distribute, as they can be uploaded to Snap Store and made available to millions of Ubuntu users. This provides a centralized and easy way to distribute software.

Snap packages are also great for system administrators, as they provide a centralized and easy way to manage software on multiple machines. You can create a custom image with all necessary snap packages pre-installed and deploy it to multiple machines.


Snap packages are a modern way of packaging and distributing software on Ubuntu. They provide several advantages over traditional packaging methods, including better security, easier installation, and automatic updates. In this guide, we have covered basics of using snap packages on Ubuntu, including installing snapd, installing and managing snap packages, updating snap packages, and configuring snap packages using snap interfaces. With this knowledge, you should be able to start using snap packages on Ubuntu and take advantage of benefits they offer. If you're a developer, you can also use Snapcraft to create your own snap packages and distribute them through Snap Store.

Overall, snap packages are a great addition to Ubuntu ecosystem and provide a modern way to package and distribute software. They are easy to use, secure, and provide automatic updates, making them a great choice for both end-users and developers.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023


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