A Cheetah, On Seeing Prey, Moves Towards Him at A Very High Speed. What Causes the Movement of His Muscles? How Does the Chemistry of Cellular Components of Muscles Change During This Event?


Cheetahs are known for their incredible speed, which allows them to chase and catch prey in a matter of seconds. When a cheetah spots its prey, it moves towards it at a high speed, propelled by the muscles in its body. But what causes this movement, and how does the chemistry of the cellular components of the muscles change during this event? In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of cheetah muscles and the complex biochemistry that drives their incredible speed.

Cheetah Anatomy

Before we dive into the biochemistry of cheetah muscles, let's take a closer look at the anatomy of a cheetah. Cheetahs are built for speed, with a slender, aerodynamic body, long legs, and a flexible spine that allows them to make tight turns at high speeds. Their muscles are also highly specialized for speed, with a high proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers that contract rapidly and powerfully.

The muscles of a cheetah are arranged in a series of long, parallel bundles that run from the shoulders to the hips. These muscles are attached to the bones of the skeleton by tough, fibrous tendons that transmit the force of the muscle contraction to the bone. The muscles of the legs are particularly well-developed, with thick, powerful quadriceps and hamstrings that allow the cheetah to generate the explosive bursts of speed it needs to catch prey.

Muscle Contraction

Now let's take a closer look at the process of muscle contraction. Muscles are made up of long, thin fibers called myofibrils, which are in turn made up of even smaller units called sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are the basic units of muscle contraction, and they consist of two types of protein filaments: thick filaments made of a protein called myosin, and thin filaments made of a protein called actin.

During muscle contraction, the myosin filaments slide past the actin filaments, pulling the sarcomere shorter and causing the muscle to contract. This process is controlled by a complex system of proteins and ions that regulate the interaction between myosin and actin.

Energy Production

Muscle contraction requires a lot of energy, and the cheetah's muscles are particularly adept at producing it. The primary fuel for muscle contraction is adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that stores energy in its high-energy bonds. When ATP is broken down, it releases the energy needed for muscle contraction.

Cheetahs have a high concentration of mitochondria in their muscle cells, which are the organelles responsible for producing ATP through a process called cellular respiration. Mitochondria use oxygen and glucose to produce ATP, and cheetahs have a particularly efficient respiratory system that allows them to take in large amounts of oxygen and transport it to the muscle cells.

Chemistry of Muscle Fibers

The chemistry of muscle fibers also plays a key role in the cheetah's speed. As mentioned earlier, cheetahs have a high proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are optimized for quick, powerful contractions. These fibers contain a high concentration of enzymes that break down ATP, allowing them to produce energy quickly and efficiently.

Fast-twitch muscle fibers also contain a high concentration of glycogen, a complex carbohydrate that serves as a storage form of glucose. When the muscle needs energy quickly, glycogen is broken down into glucose and used to produce ATP.

The cellular components of muscle fibers also play a role in regulating muscle contraction. Calcium ions, for example, are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in response to nerve impulses and bind to a protein called troponin, which triggers the sliding of myosin filaments past actin filaments and muscle contraction.

In addition, the pH of muscle fibers can also affect muscle function. During intense exercise, muscle fibers produce lactic acid as a byproduct of energy production, which can lower the pH of the muscle and inhibit muscle contraction. However, cheetahs have a high tolerance for lactic acid buildup, allowing them to sustain high-speed chases for longer periods of time.

Neuromuscular Control

The incredible speed and agility of cheetahs are also due in part to their highly specialized nervous system. The brain sends signals through the spinal cord to the muscles, causing them to contract and produce movement. The speed at which these signals are transmitted can affect the speed of muscle contraction and ultimately the speed of movement.

Cheetahs have a particularly efficient nervous system, with large, fast-conducting nerve fibers that transmit signals quickly to the muscles. In addition, their muscles are highly sensitive to the chemical signals released by the nerves, allowing for precise control of muscle contraction.

Training and Adaptation

While the speed and agility of cheetahs are largely innate, training and adaptation can also play a role in enhancing their performance. Cheetahs that are raised in captivity and trained to run on a treadmill, for example, have been shown to have higher aerobic capacity and faster sprint speeds than untrained cheetahs.

In addition, cheetahs can adapt to their environment and the demands placed on their muscles. Cheetahs that live in areas with rough terrain, for example, may have stronger leg muscles to help them navigate uneven ground. Similarly, cheetahs that frequently hunt smaller prey may have more endurance and a higher proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are optimized for sustained activity.


In conclusion, the incredible speed and agility of cheetahs are due to a combination of factors, including their specialized anatomy, efficient energy production, and precise neuromuscular control. The chemistry of the cellular components of their muscles plays a key role in muscle contraction and energy production, allowing them to sustain high-speed chases for longer periods of time.

While cheetahs are born with many of these traits, training and adaptation can also play a role in enhancing their performance. By studying the fascinating world of cheetah muscles and the complex biochemistry that drives their incredible speed, we can gain a better understanding of the incredible adaptations that allow these magnificent animals to thrive in their environment.

Updated on: 04-May-2023


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