Which MySQL function can be used to append values of a column with single quotes?

MySQL QUOTE() function can be used to append values of a column with single quotes. For this, we must have to pass column name as the argument of QUOTE() function. Data from ‘Student’ table is used to demonstrate it as follows


mysql> Select Name, ID, QUOTE(Subject)AS Subject from Student;
| Name    | ID   | Subject     |
| Gaurav  | 1    | 'Computers' |
| Aarav   | 2    | 'History'   |
| Harshit | 15   | 'Commerce'  |
| Gaurav  | 20   | 'Computers' |
| Yashraj | 21   | 'Math'      |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

In contrast, it can also be done with the help of CONCAT() function as follows −

mysql> Select Name, ID, CONCAT('''',Subject,'''')AS Subject from Student;
| Name    | ID   | Subject     |
| Gaurav  | 1    | 'Computers' |
| Aarav   | 2    | 'History'   |
| Harshit | 15   | 'Commerce'  |
| Gaurav  | 20   | 'Computers' |
| Yashraj | 21   | 'Math'      |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

For this purpose QUOTE() function is very easy to use.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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