When Java runs faster than C++?

Following are the areas where Java has proved itself faster than C++.

  • Memory allocation/deallocation: Memory allocation/deallocation is much faster and it is often faster to create a new big array instead of using the cached one.
  • Object instantiation: Memory management done by GC of Java attributes faster object related operations on Java than C++.
  • Multithreading and Synchronization: Modern Java programs makes use of multi-core systems to make synchronization and multithreading much faster operation.
  • JIT has improved a lot over period of time and modern Java program execution now is much faster.
  • String operations are faster by having length. 
  • Collection methods are optimized like Array copy.
  • Class loading has improved a lot over period of time and modern Java program class loading now is much faster.

Updated on: 13-Jun-2020


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