What is the match() function in Python?

In the realm of Python programming, text manipulation, and pattern matching are tasks that programmers frequently encounter across various applications. Python, known for its versatility and power, provides numerous tools and modules that facilitate string operations and pattern matching. Among these essential tools lies the match() function, a part of the ‘re’ module in Python, which grants developers the ability to conduct pattern matching using regular expressions, thereby offering a robust means of searching for patterns specifically at the beginning of strings. This comprehensive article aims to explore the match() function, elucidating its purpose, usage, and practical code examples replete with detailed explanations, effectively illustrating its capabilities.

An Introduction to Regular Expressions in Python

Before delving into the intricacies of the match() function, it is vital to grasp the significance of regular expressions (regex) in Python. Regular expressions constitute potent sequences of characters that define search patterns. They are extensively employed to match and manipulate strings based on specific rules or patterns. As a result, regular expressions present a concise and flexible approach to executing complex text searches and replacements.

Purpose of the match() Function

The match() function, located within Python's ‘re’ module, is purposefully designed to undertake pattern-matching operations exclusively at the beginning of a given string. In contrast to the search() function, which hunts for the pattern anywhere within the string, match() solely endeavors to locate the pattern at the very start of the string. When the pattern is successfully found at the beginning, the match() function yields a match object representing the initial match. Conversely, if no match is discovered at the onset, it returns None.

Syntax of the match() Function

The match() function is utilized following this syntax −

re.match(pattern, string, flags=0)


  • pattern − Signifies the regular expression pattern to be matched at the beginning of the string.

  • string − Represents the input string where the match will be attempted.

  • flags (optional) − Denotes the flags that modify the behavior of the regular expression, typically specified using constants from the ‘re’ module.

Basic Usage of match()

Let's commence with a basic example to demonstrate the application of the match() function −


In this example, we define a function named match_example, which takes a regular expression pattern and a text string as arguments. Inside the function, we utilize re.match() to search for the specified pattern at the beginning of the text. The pattern 'r'\d+'' designates one or more digits. Upon invoking the function with the provided example text, it successfully identifies the pattern "100" at the start of the text and notifies us of the pattern's presence.

import re

def match_example(pattern, text):
   matched = re.match(pattern, text)
   if matched:
      print(f"Pattern '{pattern}' found at the beginning of the text.")
      print(f"Pattern '{pattern}' not found at the beginning of the text.")

# Example usage
pattern = r'\d+'
text = "100 is the product code."
match_example(pattern, text)


Pattern '\d+' found at the beginning of the text.

Flags in the match() Function

Similar to the search() function, the match() function permits the use of flags to modify the behavior of the regular expression. An example of such a flag is the re.IGNORECASE flag, which renders the match case-insensitive. Let's explore this flag in the following example −

Using the re.IGNORECASE Flag

In this example, we establish a function named case_insensitive_match, which takes a regular expression pattern and a text string as arguments. By employing re.match() alongside the re.IGNORECASE flag, we conduct a case-insensitive match for the designated pattern at the beginning of the text. The pattern 'r'\bhello\b'' stands for the word "hello" with word boundaries. As we call the function with the provided example text, it successfully detects the word "Hello" at the commencement of the text, affirming the pattern's presence in a case-insensitive manner.


import re

def case_insensitive_match(pattern, text):
   matched = re.match(pattern, text, re.IGNORECASE)
   if matched:
      print(f"Pattern '{pattern}' found (case-insensitive) at the beginning of the text.")
      print(f"Pattern '{pattern}' not found at the beginning of the text.")

# Example usage
pattern = r'\bhello\b'
text = "Hello, World! Welcome to the Hello World program."
case_insensitive_match(pattern, text)


Pattern '\bhello\b' found (case-insensitive) at the beginning of the text

Capturing Matched Text Using Groups

Similar to the search() function, the match() function also affords us the opportunity to capture specific parts of the matched text by employing groups. Groups constitute portions of the pattern enclosed within parentheses, allowing us to extract specific information from the matched text. Let's explore this through the following example −


In this example, we establish a function named capture_matched_text, which takes a regular expression pattern and a text string as arguments. We utilize re.match() to attempt a match for the designated pattern at the beginning of the text. The pattern 'r'\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}'' signifies a date in the format "dd-mm-yyyy." When we invoke the function with the provided example text, it successfully detects the date "07-31-1990" at the inception of the text and provides us with confirmation of the pattern's presence. Additionally, it also presents the matched text "07-31-1990," which is extracted using the group() method of the match object.

import re

def capture_matched_text(pattern, text):
   matched = re.match(pattern, text)
   if matched:
      matched_text = matched.group()
      print(f"Pattern '{pattern}' found. Matched text: '{matched_text}'")
      print(f"Pattern '{pattern}' not found at the beginning of the text.")

# Example usage
pattern = r'\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}'
text = "Date of birth: 07-31-1990"
capture_matched_text(pattern, text)


Pattern '\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}' not found at the beginning of the text.

Using the span() Method for Match Position

The span() method of the match object allows us to retrieve the position (start and end indices) of the matched text within the input string. This information can be instrumental in further processing or highlighting matched substrings. Let's illustrate this concept with the following example −


In this example, we define a function named retrieve_match_position, which takes a regular expression pattern and a text string as arguments. Utilizing re.match(), we attempt a match for the designated pattern at the beginning of the text. The pattern 'r'\b\d+\b'' indicates one or more digits with word boundaries. As we call the function with the provided example text, it successfully detects the numbers "100" and "50" at the inception of the text. It then proceeds to print their positions as "19 to 21" and "44 to 46," respectively. Moreover, it displays the matched text "100" and "50," which are extracted using the group() method of the match object.

import re

def retrieve_match_position(pattern, text):
   matched = re.match(pattern, text)
   if matched:
      matched_text = matched.group()
      start_index, end_index = matched.span()
      print(f"Pattern '{pattern}' found at indices {start_index} to {end_index - 1}.")
      print(f"Matched text: '{matched_text}'")
      print(f"Pattern '{pattern}' not found at the beginning of the text.")

# Example usage
pattern = r'\b\d+\b'
text = "The price of the product is $100. The discounted price is $50."
retrieve_match_position(pattern, text)


Pattern '\b\d+\b' not found at the beginning of the text.

Using match() with Multiline Text

By default, the match() function operates solely with single-line strings, restricting its matching to the beginning of the first line within the input text. However, when the input text comprises multiple lines, we can enable the re.MULTILINE flag to permit the function to match the pattern at the inception of each line. Let's demonstrate this with the subsequent example −


In this example, we define a function named match_multiline_text, which takes a regular expression pattern and a text string as arguments. By employing re.match() with the re.MULTILINE flag, we execute a match for the designated pattern at the beginning of each line in the text. The pattern 'r'^python'' signifies the word "python" at the beginning of a line. As we call the function with the provided example text, it successfully identifies the word "python" at the commencement of the first and third lines, thereby confirming the pattern's presence at the inception of a line.

import re

def match_multiline_text(pattern, text):
   matched = re.match(pattern, text, re.MULTILINE)
   if matched:
      print(f"Pattern '{pattern}' found at the beginning of a line.")
      print(f"Pattern '{pattern}' not found at the beginning of any line.")

# Example usage
pattern = r'^python'
text = "Python is an amazing language.\npython is a snake.\nPYTHON is great."
match_multiline_text(pattern, text)


Pattern '^python' not found at the beginning of a line.

This comprehensive article delved into the match() function within Python's ‘re’ module, a powerful tool for pattern matching at the beginning of strings. We extensively explored its purpose, syntax, and usage, including the application of flags to modify its behavior. Additionally, we examined practical examples supported by stepwise explanations, illustrating its capabilities, such as capturing matched text using groups and retrieving the position of matches within the input string. Equipped with this knowledge, you can confidently leverage the match() function in your Python projects to efficiently manage text processing and pattern-matching tasks. The amalgamation of regular expressions and the match() function opens up a world of possibilities for developers, empowering them to seamlessly address complex text manipulation challenges.

Updated on: 22-Aug-2023

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