What is MySQL event and how it is related to trigger?

A MySQL event is a task that rums based on a predefined schedule therefore sometimes it is referred to as a scheduled event. In other words, we can say that the MySQL event schedule is a process that runs in the background and constantly looks for the events to execute. It is referred to as a temporal trigger because they triggered by time and not like triggers that execute based on the table update. We can use events to run either once or at a recurring interval. They can be used to create backups, delete stale records, aggregate data for reports, and so on. Its syntax would be as follows −


CREATE EVENT event_name
   ON SCHEDULE schedule


  • event_name is the name of the event that we must have to specify after CREATE EVENT statement. It must be unique in a database.
  • The schedule is the time that we need to specify so that the event can occur at that particular time or schedule. The event can be a one-time event or recurring event.
  • Event_body is the set of SQL statements that we need to specify after the DO keyword. It can be wrapped in BEGIN…END block if there are multiple statements.

Updated on: 22-Jun-2020


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