What are the different MySQL prompts we have on the command line?

As we know that after writing the first line of multiple-line queries, MySQL changes the prompt. The following table shows different MySQL prompts and it's meaning −

It means MySQL is ready for a new command.
 →It means that MySQL is waiting for the next line of multiple-line command.
It means that MySQL is waiting for the next line, waiting for the completion of a string that began with a single quote.
It means that MySQL is waiting for the next line, waiting for the completion of a string that began with a double quote.

It means that MySQL is waiting for the next line, waiting for the completion of an identifier that began with a backtick (`).
It means that MySQL is waiting for the next line, waiting for the completion of a comment that began with /*.

It means that MySQL prompts give valuable feedback with the help of which we can be aware of what MySQL is waiting for.

Updated on: 22-Jun-2020


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