What are free libraries for Canvas in HTML5?

Using scripting, the canvas element is utilised to create graphics instantly (usually JavaScript). This tag is just introduced in HTML5.

The <canvas> element serves only as a holding area for images. To draw the visuals, you must utilise a script. There are numerous ways to draw pathways, boxes, circles, characters, and add images on a canvas.


<canvas id="canvas name"></canvas>

Here is the simple HTML example to depict the usage of canvas βˆ’

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <canvas id="myCanvas" width="290" height="80" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas> <script> var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var ctx=c.getContext("2d"); ctx.font="30px Georgia"; ctx.strokeText("TUTORIALSPOINT",10,50); </script> </body> </html>

On executing the above script it will generate the following output βˆ’

Free canvas libraries

Following are some of the free canvas libraries that can be used to add suitable effects to your website βˆ’


When it comes to visualising any type of data, the D3.js library is one of the most popular options. Amazing graphs and charts are produced using features of SVG, Canvas, and standard HTML. The library doesn't place many restrictions on how you can provide consumers access to data.


When designing canvas-based particle systems, the Particles.js package is ideal. There are no dependencies and it is lightweight. Self-acquaintance with all the library's features takes about 30 minutes.


A JavaScript engine for 2D rigid body physics is called matter-js library. It can be used to simulate basic physics systems on a canvas. It has numerous modules that can be used to do a variety of tasks.


It is an open source vector graphics scripting framework, which runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas.

Paper.js provides a Document Object Model, easily create and populate a project with layers, groups, paths, etc. Create paths and add segments to them. Paths are a sequence of segments that are connected by curves.

The segments can be easily inspected, manipulated, and moved around after adding. You can also remove the segments easily. Also get methods to import and export vector graphics as SV.

With the help of this open-source JavaScript library Paper.js, you can use the canvas to produce stunning visuals. You have the option of using PaperScript, the library's proprietary version of JavaScript.


Fabric.js is a powerful JavaScript HTML5 canvas library, widely used to provide interactive object model on top of the canvas element.

Using Fabric.js, create and populate objects on canvas i.e. objects like simple geometrical shapes. Also, it’s easy to give a shape a gradient. Add text easily and dynamically manipulate the alignment, size, etc.


It is an open source JavaScript library, which visualizes your data in 8 different ways. It has great rendering performance across all modern browsers. Easily redraw charts on window resize for perfect scale granularity.

Chart.js provides in-built charts and these are easily extendable to custom charts. Builtin charts include line, bar, horizontal bar, scatter, bubble, etc.


p5.js is a free JavaScript library that provides full-fledged drawing functionality as a part of creative coding. It simplifies the process of creating interactive visuals in the web browser.

This open source library on canvas is inclusive of inserting colors, points, lines, and other shapes. It also has a provision of a for loop to draw multiple shapes.

There are also other libraries like EaselJS, heatmap.js, JavaScript Infovis Toolkit, Konva.js, Phaser, Pts.js, Rekapi, Scrawl-Canvas and the ZIM framework etc., which are both open source and not are supported by the canvas tag in html.

Updated on: 02-Sep-2022


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