Section that contains only navigation links in HTML5

Navigational links can be provided by using <nav> tag in the document. The links of nav element navigates to other webpages or points to different section of same webpage. Examples of nav element are contents, tables, menus and indexes.


Following is the usage of <nav> tag in HTML −



Following example where we are trying to create a section that contains only navigation links −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="nav-bar.css">
            <a href="#">Home</a>
            <a href="#">Tutorials</a>
            <a href="#">About</a>
            <a href="#">Newsletter</a>
            <a href="#">Contact</a>


Following is another example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      body {
         margin: 0px;
         padding: 0px;
         background-color: grey;

      ul {
         background-color: orange;
         text-align: center;
         margin: 0px;
         padding: 0px;
         list-style: none;

      li {
         font-size: 24px;
         line-height: 20px;
         height: 40px;
         padding: 5px;
         display: inline-block;

      a {
         text-decoration: none;
         color: blue;
            <a href="#">Home</a>
            <a href="#">Tutorials</a>
            <a href="#">About</a>
            <a href="#">Newsletter</a>
            <a href="#">Contact</a>


In the following example we are creating a menu with navigation links and sub menus(s) −

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <meta charset="utf-8">
   <style type="text/css">
      ul {
         padding: 0;
         list-style: none;
         background: #f2f2f2;

      ul li {
         display: inline-block;
         position: relative;
         line-height: 21px;
         text-align: left;
         border: 1px solid #5F9EA0;

      ul li a {
         background: #FFF8DC;
         display: block;
         padding: 8px 25px;
         color: #5F9EA0;
         text-decoration: none;

      ul li a:hover {
         color: #FFF8DC;
         background: #5F9EA0;

      ul li ul.dropdown {
         min-width: 125px;
         background: #f2f2f2;
         display: none;
         position: absolute;
         z-index: 999;
         left: 0;

      ul li:hover ul.dropdown {
         display: block;

      ul li ul.dropdown li {
         display: block;
         <a href="Index.html">Home</a>
         <a href="About.html">About</a>
         <a href="Contact.html">Contact</a>
         <a href="shop.html">Shop ▾</a>
         <ul class="dropdown">
               <a href="men.html">Mens</a>
               <a href="women.html">Womens</a>
               <a href="Accessories.html">Accessories</a>

Updated on: 10-Oct-2023


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