Query returning no data in SAP Business One using Table Relationship

This looks like an issue with Join in queries. Try replacing Inner join with Left join like this. I ran this query and it is working fine:

select T0.DocNum as 'Payment Number',T0.DocDate 'Payment Date',T0.CardCode,
T0.CardName 'Customer Name',T1.BankCode 'Bankcode',T3.BankName 'Bank Name', T2.Phone1 ,
t1.CheckNum as 'Check Number',
t1.DueDate as 'check date',
t6.VoucherNum as 'Voucher Number',
t0.TrsfrRef as 'Transfer No',
t0.TrsfrDate AS 'Transfer Date',
ousr.USER_code as 'user code',
T5.DocNum, t11.U_P_BuildingName as 'Building Name',
CASE when T5.DocNum is null then 'On Account' else 'Paid For Invoice' END AS 'Payment Status',
CASE when T5.DocStatus = 'O' then 'Open' else 'Closed' END AS ' Invoice Status',
T4.SumApplied as 'Amount Paid on Invoice',T9.U_FloorNo,T5.U_UnitCode,T5.U_Type,
t0.DocTotal as 'Payment Total',t5.DocTotal as'Invoice Total' , t8.City,
t0.Comments as'Remarks'
from ORCT T0
left join rct1 T1 on T0.DocNum=T1.DocNum
left join ocrd T2 on T2.CardCode=T0.CardCode
left outer join ODSC T3 on T3.BankCode=T0.BankCode
left join RCT2 T4 on T0.DocNum = T4.DocNum
left join RCT3 T6 on T0.DocNum = T6.DocNum
left join OINV T5 on T4.DocEntry = T5.DocEntry and T5.ObjType = T4.InvType
left join oitm t11 on t5.u_unitcode = t11.ItemCode
LEFT JOIN OWHS T8 ON T11.U_P_BuildingNum = T8.WhsCode
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[@AUND] T9 ON T5.[U_UnitCode] = T9.[Code]
INNER JOIN OSLP T10 ON T5.[SlpCode] = T10.[SlpCode]
inner join ousr on ousr.USERID = t0.usersign
T4.InvType <> '14' and T0.[Canceled] = 'N' and t0.docnum=200001

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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