Print Hello World without semicolon in C++

There are multiple ways to write a C++ program without semicolons. Note that doing this is very bad practice and should never be used in real code. This is presented just as informational content. The easiest way to write a C++ Program without Semicolons is using if statements. Almost all statements in C++ can be treated as expressions. So, if we place the statement inside an if statement with a blank pair of parentheses, we don’t have to end it with a semicolon anymore. 


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int main() {
   if (std::cout << "Hello world!") {}


This will give the output −

Hello World

You can even take inputs, declare variables, define functions, etc this way. For example,



int main() {
   if (int N = 1) {
      if (std::cin >> N) {}
      if (std::cout << N) {}


This will give the output(if you enter a number 21)


Using break, continue, goto, and return Statements

  • break and continue statements can be avoided by using corresponding conditions in loops.
  • goto statement can be avoided by better control flow structuring.
  • return statement in a non-void function can be avoided by passing a reference parameter that acts as the return value and should be assigned at the end of the function.

Updated on: 11-Feb-2020


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