Nuts and Bolt Problem

A list of different nuts and another list of bolts are given. Our task is to find the correct match of nuts and bolts from the given list, and assign that nut with the Bolt, when it is matched.

This problem is solved by the quick-sort technique. By taking the last element of the bolt as a pivot, rearrange the nuts list and get the final position of the nut whose bolt is the pivot element. After partitioning the nuts list, we can partition the bolts list using the selected nut. The same tasks are performed for left and right sub-lists to get all matches.

Input and Output

The lists of locks and keys.
nuts = { ),@,*,^,(,%, !,$,&,#}
bolts = { !, (, #, %, ), ^, &, *, $, @ }
After matching nuts and bolts:
Nuts:  ! # $ % & ( ) * @ ^
Bolts: ! # $ % & ( ) * @ ^


partition(array, low, high, pivot)

Input: One array, the low and high index, the pivot element.

Output: Final location of pivot element.

   i := low
   for j in range low to high, do
      if array[j] < pivot, then
         swap array[i] and array[j]
         increase i by 1
      else if array[j] = pivot, then
         swap array[j] and array[high]
         decrease j by 1

   swap array[i] and array[high]
   return i

nutAndBoltMatch(nuts, bolts, low, high)

Input: The list of nuts, the list of bolts, lower and higher index of the array.

Output: Display which nut is for which bolt.

   pivotLoc := partition(nuts, low, high, bolts[high])
   partition(bolts, low, high, nuts[pivotLoc])
   nutAndBoltMatch(nuts, bolts, low, pivotLoc-1)
   nutAndBoltMatch(nuts, bolts, pivotLoc + 1, high)


using namespace std;

void show(char array[], int n) {
   for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
      cout << array[i] << " ";

int partition(char array[], int low, int high, char pivot) {    //find location of pivot for quick sort
   int i = low;
   for(int j = low; j<high; j++) {
      if(array[j] <pivot) {    //when jth element less than pivot, swap ith and jth element
         swap(array[i], array[j]);
      }else if(array[j] == pivot) {    //when jth element is same as pivot, swap jth and last element
         swap(array[j], array[high]);
   swap(array[i], array[high]);
   return i;    //the location of pivot element

void nutAndBoltMatch(char nuts[], char bolts[], int low, int high) {
   if(low < high) {
      int pivotLoc = partition(nuts, low, high, bolts[high]);   //choose item from bolt to nut partitioning
      partition(bolts, low, high, nuts[pivotLoc]);    //place previous pivot location in bolt also
      nutAndBoltMatch(nuts, bolts, low, pivotLoc - 1);
      nutAndBoltMatch(nuts, bolts, pivotLoc+1, high);

int main() {
   char nuts[] = {')','@','*','^','(','%','!','$','&','#'};
   char bolts[] = {'!','(','#','%',')','^','&','*','$','@'};
   int n = 10;
   nutAndBoltMatch(nuts, bolts, 0, n-1);
   cout << "After matching nuts and bolts:"<< endl;
   cout << "Nuts:  "; show(nuts, n); cout << endl;
   cout << "Bolts: "; show(bolts, n); cout << endl;


After matching nuts and bolts:
Nuts:  ! # $ % & ( ) * @ ^
Bolts: ! # $ % & ( ) * @ ^

Updated on: 17-Jun-2020

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