Lock & Key problem using Hash-map

A list of different locks and another list of keys are given. Our task is to find the correct match of lock and key from the given list, and assign that key with the lock when it is correct.

In this approach we will traverse all of the locks and create a hash-map, after that, each key is searched in the hash-map. When the key is matches, then that is marked as a valid key and assigned with a lock.

Input and Output

The lists of locks and keys.
lock = { ),@,*,^,(,%, !,$,&,#}
key = { !, (, #, %, ), ^, &, *, $, @ }
After matching Locks and Keys:
Locks: ! ( # % ) ^ & * $ @
Keys: ! ( # % ) ^ & * $ @


lockAndKeyProblem(lock, key, n)

Input: The list of locks, the list of keys, n.

Output: Find which key is for which lock.

   define hashmap
   for i in range (0 to n-1), do
      hashmap[lock[i]] := i  //set hashmap for locks

   for i in range (0 to n-1), do
      if key[i] is found in the hashmap, then
         lock[i] = key[i]


using namespace std;

void show(char array[], int n) {
   for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
      cout << array[i] << " ";

void lockAndKeyProblem(char lock[], char key[], int n) {
   map<char, int> hashMap;
   for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
      hashMap[lock[i]] = i;           //hash map for locks

   for(int i = 0; i<n; i++) //for each keys for each lock
      if(hashMap.find(key[i]) != hashMap.end()) {
         lock[i] = key[i];

int main() {
   char lock[] = {')','@','*','^','(','%','!','$','&','#'};
   char key[] = {'!','(','#','%',')','^','&','*','$','@'};
   int n = 10;
   lockAndKeyProblem(lock, key, n);
   cout << "After matching Locks and Keys:"<<endl;
   cout << "Locks: "; show(lock, n); cout << endl;
   cout << "Keys: "; show(key, n); cout << endl;


After matching Locks and Keys:
Locks: ! ( # % ) ^ & * $ @
Keys: ! ( # % ) ^ & * $ @

Updated on: 17-Jun-2020


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