In MySQL, how can we pad a string with another string?

MySQL has two functions namely LPAD() and RPAD() with the help of which we can pad a string with another string.

LPAD() function, as the name suggests, left pads a string with another string. Following is the syntax for using it in MySQL


LPAD(original_string, @length, pad_string)


  • original_string is the string in which we pad another string.
  • @length is the total length of the string returned after padding.
  • Pad_string is the string which is to be padded with original_string.


mysql> Select LPAD('My name is Ram',22,'* ');
| LPAD('My name is Ram',22,'* ') |
| * * * * My name is Ram         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

RPAD() function, as the name suggests, right pads a string with another string. Following is the syntax for using it in MySQL.


RPAD(original_string, @length, pad_string)


  • original_string is the string in which we pad another string.
  • @length is the total length of the string returned after padding.
  • Pad_string is the string which is to be padded with original_string.


mysql> Select RPAD('My name is Ram',22,'* ');
| RPAD('My name is Ram',22,'* ') |
| My name is Ram* * * *          |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Updated on: 06-Feb-2020


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