How to validate a given number in JavaScript?

In this tutorial, let us discuss how to validate a given number in JavaScript. Users can follow the syntax below each method to use it.

Using regular expression

The method tests or matches the regular expression with the input.



If the input is a number, the test returns true.


The program succeeds in all cases except for "30", [], and "".

<html> <body> <h2>Number validation using <i>regular expression</i></h2> <p id="numRegExpInp"></p> <div id="numRegExpBtnWrap"> <button id="numRegExpBtn">Validate</button> </div> <p id="numRegExpOut"></p> <script> var numRegExpInpArr = [30, 'Egan', true, false, 'undefined', 'NaN', '{}', null]; var numRegExpInp = document.getElementById("numRegExpInp"); var numRegExpOut = document.getElementById("numRegExpOut"); var numRegExpBtnWrap = document.getElementById("numRegExpBtnWrap"); var numRegExpBtn = document.getElementById("numRegExpBtn"); var numRegExpInpStr = ""; numRegExpInpStr += JSON.stringify(numRegExpInpArr); numRegExpInp.innerHTML = numRegExpInpStr; function numRegExpMatch(input) { if ((/^[0-9]*$/).test(input)) return "correct"; else return "wrong"; } numRegExpBtn.onclick = function() { numRegExpInpStr = ""; // = "none"; numRegExpInpStr += numRegExpInpArr[0] + " is " + numRegExpMatch(numRegExpInpArr[0]) + "<br><br>"; numRegExpInpStr += "'" + numRegExpInpArr[1] + "'" + " is " + numRegExpMatch(numRegExpInpArr[1]) + "<br><br>"; numRegExpInpStr += numRegExpInpArr[2] + " is " + numRegExpMatch(numRegExpInpArr[2]) + "<br><br>"; numRegExpInpStr += numRegExpInpArr[3] + " is " + numRegExpMatch(numRegExpInpArr[3]) + "<br><br>"; numRegExpInpStr += numRegExpInpArr[4] + " is " + numRegExpMatch(undefined) + "<br><br>"; numRegExpInpStr += numRegExpInpArr[5] + " is " + numRegExpMatch(NaN) + "<br><br>"; numRegExpInpStr += numRegExpInpArr[6] + " is " + numRegExpMatch({}) + "<br><br>"; numRegExpInpStr += numRegExpInpArr[7] + " is " + numRegExpMatch(numRegExpInpArr[7]) + "<br><br>"; numRegExpOut.innerHTML = numRegExpInpStr; }; </script> </body> </html>

Using the typeof() operator

The typeof() operator checks the input type.


typeof(input) === 'number'

If the type is a number, the check returns true.


The program succeeds in all cases except for NaN.

<html> <body> <h2>Number validation using <i>typeof()</i></h2> <p id="numTypeInp"></p> <div id="numTypeBtnWrap"> <button id="numTypeBtn">Validate</button> </div> <p id="numTypeOut"></p> <script> var numTypeInpArr = [30, '30', 'Egan', true, false, 'undefined', '{}', '[]', null, '']; var numTypeInp = document.getElementById("numTypeInp"); var numTypeOut = document.getElementById("numTypeOut"); var numTypeBtnWrap = document.getElementById("numTypeBtnWrap"); var numTypeBtn = document.getElementById("numTypeBtn"); var numTypeInpStr = ""; numTypeInpStr += JSON.stringify(numTypeInpArr); numTypeInp.innerHTML = numTypeInpStr; function numTypeMatch(input) { if (typeof(input) === "number") return "correct"; else return "wrong"; } numTypeBtn.onclick = function() { numTypeInpStr = ""; // = "none"; numTypeInpStr += numTypeInpArr[0] + " is " + numTypeMatch(numTypeInpArr[0]) + "<br><br>"; numTypeInpStr += "'" + numTypeInpArr[1] + "'" + " is " + numTypeMatch(numTypeInpArr[1]) + "<br><br>"; numTypeInpStr += "'" + numTypeInpArr[2] + " is " + numTypeMatch(numTypeInpArr[2]) + "<br><br>"; numTypeInpStr += numTypeInpArr[3] + " is " + numTypeMatch(numTypeInpArr[3]) + "<br><br>"; numTypeInpStr += numTypeInpArr[4] + " is " + numTypeMatch(numTypeInpArr[4]) + "<br><br>"; numTypeInpStr += numTypeInpArr[5] + " is " + numTypeMatch(undefined) + "<br><br>"; numTypeInpStr += numTypeInpArr[6] + " is " + numTypeMatch({}) + "<br><br>"; numTypeInpStr += numTypeInpArr[7] + " is " + numTypeMatch([]) + "<br><br>"; numTypeInpStr += numTypeInpArr[8] + " is " + numTypeMatch(numTypeInpArr[8]) + "<br><br>"; numTypeInpStr += "''" + " is " + numTypeMatch('') + "<br><br>"; numTypeOut.innerHTML = numTypeInpStr; }; </script> </body> </html>

Using the isNaN() object

The isNaN is the browser window's global object.



The above syntax checks whether the input is not a number. Negation of this check says whether the input is a number.


The program succeeds in all cases except for "30", true, false, [], null, "";

<html> <body> <h2>Number validation using <i>isNaN()</i></h2> <p id="numNanInp"></p> <div id="numNanBtnWrap"> <button id="numNanBtn">Validate</button> </div> <p id="numNanOut"></p> <script> var numNanInpArr = [30, 'Egan', 'undefined', 'NaN', '{}']; var numNanInp = document.getElementById("numNanInp"); var numNanOut = document.getElementById("numNanOut"); var numNanBtnWrap = document.getElementById("numNanBtnWrap"); var numNanBtn = document.getElementById("numNanBtn"); var numNanInpStr = ""; numNanInpStr += JSON.stringify(numNanInpArr); numNanInp.innerHTML = numNanInpStr; function numNanMatch(input) { if (isNaN(input)) return "wrong"; else return "correct"; } numNanBtn.onclick = function() { numNanInpStr = ""; = "none"; numNanInpStr += numNanInpArr[0] + " is " + numNanMatch(numNanInpArr[0]) + "<br><br>"; numNanInpStr += "'" + numNanInpArr[1] + "'" + " is " + numNanMatch(numNanInpArr[1]) + "<br><br>"; numNanInpStr += numNanInpArr[2] + " is " + numNanMatch(undefined) + "<br><br>"; numNanInpStr += numNanInpArr[3] + " is " + numNanMatch(NaN) + "<br><br>"; numNanInpStr += numNanInpArr[4] + " is " + numNanMatch({}) + "<br><br>"; numNanOut.innerHTML = numNanInpStr; }; </script> </body> </html>

Using the Number.isFinite() method

The function isFinite() checks whether the input is finite. The method first converts the input to a number and checks whether it is finite.

The method ensures that the input is a number, not a positive or negative infinity, and not NaN.



The above syntax checks whether the input is finite.


The program succeeds in all cases.

<html> <body> <h2>Number validation using <i>Number.isFinite()</i></h2> <p id="numFiniteInp"></p> <div id="numFiniteBtnWrap"> <button id="numFiniteBtn">Validate</button> </div> <p id="numFiniteOut"></p> <script> var numFiniteInpArr = [30, '30', 'Egan', true, false, 'undefined', 'NaN', '{}', '[]', null, '']; var numFiniteInp = document.getElementById("numFiniteInp"); var numFiniteOut = document.getElementById("numFiniteOut"); var numFiniteBtnWrap = document.getElementById("numFiniteBtnWrap"); var numFiniteBtn = document.getElementById("numFiniteBtn"); var numFiniteInpStr = ""; numFiniteInpStr += JSON.stringify(numFiniteInpArr); numFiniteInp.innerHTML = numFiniteInpStr; function numFiniteMatch(input) { if (Number.isFinite(input)) return "correct"; else return "wrong"; } numFiniteBtn.onclick = function() { numFiniteInpStr = ""; = "none"; numFiniteInpStr += numFiniteInpArr[0] + " is " + numFiniteMatch(numFiniteInpArr[0]) + "<br><br>"; numFiniteInpStr += "'" + numFiniteInpArr[1] + "'" + " is " + numFiniteMatch(numFiniteInpArr[1]) + "<br><br>"; numFiniteInpStr += "'" + numFiniteInpArr[2] + " is " + numFiniteMatch(numFiniteInpArr[2]) + "<br><br>"; numFiniteInpStr += numFiniteInpArr[3] + " is " + numFiniteMatch(numFiniteInpArr[3]) + "<br><br>"; numFiniteInpStr += numFiniteInpArr[4] + " is " + numFiniteMatch(numFiniteInpArr[4]) + "<br><br>"; numFiniteInpStr += numFiniteInpArr[5] + " is " + numFiniteMatch(undefined) + "<br><br>"; numFiniteInpStr += numFiniteInpArr[6] + " is " + numFiniteMatch(NaN) + "<br><br>"; numFiniteInpStr += numFiniteInpArr[7] + " is " + numFiniteMatch({}) + "<br><br>"; numFiniteInpStr += numFiniteInpArr[8] + " is " + numFiniteMatch([]) + "<br><br>"; numFiniteInpStr += numFiniteInpArr[9] + " is " + numFiniteMatch(numFiniteInpArr[9]) + "<br><br>"; numFiniteInpStr += "''" + " is " + numFiniteMatch('') + "<br><br>"; numFiniteOut.innerHTML = numFiniteInpStr; }; </script> </body> </html>

Using the Number() Method

The function Number() checks whether the number is valid.



The above syntax checks the number directly.


The program succeeds in all cases except for "30", true, false, [], null, "";

<html> <body> <h2>Number validation using <i>Number()</i></h2> <p id="numMethInp"></p> <div id="numMethBtnWrap"> <button id="numMethBtn">Validate</button> </div> <p id="numMethOut"></p> <script> var numMethInpArr = [30, 'Egan', false, 'undefined', 'NaN', '{}', '[]', null, '']; var numMethInp = document.getElementById("numMethInp"); var numMethOut = document.getElementById("numMethOut"); var numMethBtnWrap = document.getElementById("numMethBtnWrap"); var numMethBtn = document.getElementById("numMethBtn"); var numMethInpStr = ""; numMethInpStr += JSON.stringify(numMethInpArr); numMethInp.innerHTML = numMethInpStr; function numMethMatch(input) { if (Number(input)) return "correct"; else return "wrong"; } numMethBtn.onclick = function() { numMethInpStr = ""; = "none"; numMethInpStr += numMethInpArr[0] + " is " + numMethMatch(numMethInpArr[0]) + "<br><br>"; numMethInpStr += "'" + numMethInpArr[1] + "'" + " is " + numMethMatch(numMethInpArr[1]) + "<br><br>"; numMethInpStr += numMethInpArr[2] + " is " + numMethMatch(numMethInpArr[2]) + "<br><br>"; numMethInpStr += numMethInpArr[3] + " is " + numMethMatch(undefined) + "<br><br>"; numMethInpStr += numMethInpArr[4] + " is " + numMethMatch(NaN) + "<br><br>"; numMethInpStr += numMethInpArr[5] + " is " + numMethMatch({}) + "<br><br>"; numMethInpStr += numMethInpArr[6] + " is " + numMethMatch([]) + "<br><br>"; numMethInpStr += numMethInpArr[7] + " is " + numMethMatch(numMethInpArr[7]) + "<br><br>"; numMethInpStr += "''" + " is " + numMethMatch('') + "<br><br>"; numMethOut.innerHTML = numMethInpStr; }; </script> </body> </html>

This tutorial taught us five options to validate a number. The Number.isFinite() method is the best among all. Every other method fails in some or more scenarios.

Updated on: 15-Nov-2022

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