How to return a number of bits used to display one color on a window screen in JavaScript?

In this tutorial, we will explore how we can find out the number of bits that are used to display a single color on the screen of our device using JavaScript. JavaScript has many inbuilt functions that allow us to get information about the various properties of the display screen. We’ll be using one such function to accomplish the task mentioned above.

As discussed in the previous section, we want to find out the exact number of bits that are used to display a particular color on the user’s display screen by using JavaScript. Before we can access the number of bits used for a particular color on the screen, we should know about the window object in JavaScript.

The window object in JavaScript represents the complete browser window of any user. This object has various properties related to the user’s display window such as its height, width, and many more. The property we are concerned with in this article is the screen property which is another object that references the actual display screen of the particular window.

So, the window.screen object gives us complete information about a user’s display screen. We can use this object to find out various things about the user’s display screen. One such thing is the number of bits required for color on the screen. This property is referred to as color depth. More formally, the color depth is the number of bits required to display one color pixel on the screen.

Hence, by using this property we can find out the number of bits required to represent a color on the window’s display screen.

Let us look at the syntax of the color depth property in JavaScript.


The syntax to access the color depth property is −


Alternatively, if we remove the window, the command still works. This is because the window object is at the root of the scope chain, and hence it is taken for granted if it is not mentioned in the command. So, another syntax for the same is −


Here, window refers to the window object of the user’s browser. This object has a property called screen which refers to the object representing the user’s display screen and its components and properties. The colorDepth property is one such property of the screen object which gives us the number of bits required to represent a color on the screen.

This command will essentially return an integer that denotes the color depth of the particular user’s display screen.

Example 1

Let us take a look at how we can achieve this through the code.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> document.write("Window screen width: " + window.screen.width); document.write("<br>Window screen height: " + window.screen.height); document.write("<br>Window color Depth: " + window.screen.colorDepth); </script> </body> </html>

In the above code, we used the colorDepth property of the screen object in Javascript to find the number of bits required to represent a color on a window screen.

Example 2

Similarly, as we discussed above that it can also be used without using the window key word, let us show that using an example.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> document.write("Screen width: " + screen.width); document.write("<br>Screen height: " + screen.height); document.write("<br>Color Depth: " + screen.colorDepth); </script> </body> </html>


In this tutorial, we saw how we can find out the number of bits that are used to display a single color on the screen of our device using JavaScript. This was achieved by using the colorDepth property of the screen object in JavaScript which returns the number of bits required to represent a color on a window screen.

Updated on: 07-Nov-2022


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