How to open a file in the same directory as a Python script?

It is an accepted fact that file handling is a fundamental operation in programming. And Python provides a broad set of tools to handle file operations so as to interact with files. Oftentimes, when working with Python scripts, it may be required to open a file located in the same directory as the script itself. This is a requirement often encountered when reading configuration files, accessing data files, or performing various file operations.

In this extensive article, as you will find, we will explore various methods to open a file in the same directory as a Python script. We will also provide step-by-step explanations and code examples to guide you through the process of learning this skill. If you are a beginner or an experienced Python developer, either way, mastering the art of accessing files in the same directory will enhance your file-handling capabilities and streamline your projects.

Let's get started on this journey of file manipulation with Python and unravel the secrets of opening files in the same directory!

Using os.path and file Attribute

Python's "os.path" module offers a plethora of functions for file path manipulation, while the "file" attribute provides access to the script's path. By skillfully combining these two elements, we can successfully open a file in the same directory as the Python script.


To achieve this, we begin by importing the "os" module, which equips us with functions to interact with the operating system. The open_file_in_same_directory() function then becomes the key to achieving our goal. Utilizing the os.path.abspath(file), we obtain the absolute path of the script using the "file" attribute. Subsequently, we extract the directory path from the script's absolute path with os.path.dirname(). Finally, we apply the os.path.join() function to merge the directory path with the provided "file_name," yielding the complete file path. Opening the file in read mode ('r') with open() allows us to access its contents seamlessly.

import os

def open_file_in_same_directory(file_name):
   script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
   file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, file_name)

   with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
      content =

   return content

Utilizing pathlib.Path for Object-Oriented Approach

Python's "pathlib" module presents a more elegant and object-oriented way to deal with file paths. Leveraging the Path(file).resolve().parent method, we can conveniently access the script's directory path.


To begin, we import the Path class from the pathlib module, which allows us to work with file system paths in a more intuitive manner. The open_file_with_pathlib() function is our gateway to open a file in the same directory as the script, making use of the "pathlib" for a more object-oriented approach. By utilizing Path(file).resolve().parent, we create a "Path" object representing the absolute path of the script and subsequently obtain its parent directory path. The "/" operator then joins the parent directory path with the provided "file_name," resulting in the complete file path. Just as before, we open the file in read mode ('r') with open() and access its contents using

from pathlib import Path

def open_file_with_pathlib(file_name):
   script_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
   file_path = script_dir / file_name

   with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
      content =

   return content

Handling File Not Found Errors

Opening a file in the same directory as the script may sometimes result in the file not being found. To ensure smooth execution and handle potential errors gracefully, we employ try...except blocks.


The open_file_safely() function now includes a try...except block to cater to error handling. With this approach, we can open a file in the same directory while considering the possibility of a FileNotFoundError. The try block retains the same approach as before to obtain the file path and read its contents. In the event of a FileNotFoundError being encountered, we gracefully catch it in the except block and display an informative message to the user, indicating that the specified file was not found in the same directory.

from pathlib import Path

def open_file_safely(file_name):
      script_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
      file_path = script_dir / file_name

      with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
         content =

      return content
   except FileNotFoundError:
      print(f"The file '{file_name}' was not found in the same directory as the script.")
      return None

Using os.getcwd() to Get the Current Working Directory

Python's "os" module proves invaluable yet again with its getcwd() function, allowing us to access the current working directory (cwd). By joining the cwd with "file", we can open a file in the same directory as the script. The open_file_with_getcwd() function is now empowered to open a file in the same directory while considering the current working directory. Combining os.path.abspath(file) and os.path.dirname() enables us to extract the script's directory path. By comparing the script directory path with the cwd, we can determine if they are different. If they are, a warning message is displayed, indicating that the script is not running from its own directory. We then proceed with obtaining the complete file path using "os.path.join()", opening the file with the specified access mode (defaulting to read mode 'r'), and accessing its contents as before.


import os

def open_file_with_getcwd(file_name):
   script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
   cwd = os.getcwd()

   if script_dir != cwd:
      print("Warning: The script is not running from its own directory.")
      print(f"Script Directory: {script_dir}")
      print(f"Current Working Directory: {cwd}")

   file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, file_name)
   with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
      content =

   return content

Handling Different File Access Modes

Python offers various access modes when opening a file, such as 'r' (read), 'w' (write), 'a' (append), and more. Depending on the specific use case, we can choose the appropriate mode. Building upon the previous methods, we enhance the open_file_with_mode() function to accept an additional "mode" argument, defaulting to 'r' (read mode). This empowers us to open a file in the same directory as the script with the desired access mode. By combining os.path.abspath(file) and os.path.dirname(), we acquire the script's directory path, and os.path.join() helps us obtain the complete file path. The "mode" argument enables us to specify the access mode for opening the file, allowing for greater flexibility. We then proceed with opening the file with the specified mode and accessing its contents as before.


import os

def open_file_with_mode(file_name, mode='r'):
   script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
   file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, file_name)

   with open(file_path, mode) as file:
      content =

   return content


To summarize, in this article, we've explored various methods to open a file in the same directory as a Python script. From using "os.path" and "file" for basic file path manipulation to leveraging the elegance of "pathlib.Path" for a more object-oriented approach, each method offers its advantages.

We also considered dealing with handling potential errors, checking the current working directory, and supporting different file access modes, providing you with a robust and versatile set of tools for interacting with files in the same directory as your Python scripts.

By understanding and implementing these techniques, you can confidently undertake operations such as accessing files, reading their contents, and performing various file operations in a streamlined and platform-independent manner. Whether you're developing a command-line utility, a data processing script, or a full-fledged application, the ability to open files in the same directory as the script will enhance the efficiency and maintainability of your Python projects.

Updated on: 28-Aug-2023

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