How to monitor Python files for changes?

In the realm of developers, staying alert to file alterations is of utmost importance for streamlining debugging, automation, and real-time updates in our Python projects. The act of monitoring Python files for changes equips us with the ability to remain in sync and act promptly when modifications arise. In this article, we shall navigate a few different methodologies to monitor Python files for changes, guaranteeing that not a single beat goes unnoticed. Each approach comes fortified with distinctive functionalities, empowering you to implement efficient monitoring solutions in your Python scripts. As a Python enthusiast, you will be escorted through each method, providing step-by-step explanations, and sharing real-world code examples. By the time we reach the article's end, you'll be armed with the expertise to deploy robust file monitoring mechanisms within your Python projects. So, let us embark on this journey of unfailing vigilance in the face of file changes!

Understanding File Monitoring in Python

Before we get our hands on the code examples, let us comprehend the essence of file monitoring in Python. File monitoring entails regular checks for changes in specific files and executing appropriate actions upon detecting modifications. This functionality proves particularly invaluable for tracking log files, automating scripts, or processing live data.

The Watchdog Library in Action

Our very first example delves into file monitoring, utilizing the Watchdog library, renowned for its simplicity and efficiency in observing file events.


import watchdog
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from import FileSystemEventHandler

class FileChangeHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):
   def on_modified(self, event):
     if not event.is_directory:
       print(f"File {event.src_path} has been modified!")

def monitor_file_changes(directory, file_extension):
   event_handler = FileChangeHandler()
   observer = Observer()
   observer.schedule(event_handler, path=directory, 

     while True:
   except KeyboardInterrupt:


In this example, we import the Watchdog library, constructing a FileChangeHandler class inheriting from FileSystemEventHandler. The on_modified method takes the stage, and prints a message when a file undergoes modification. We proceed to define the monitor_file_changes() function, which easily accepts directory and file_extension as its arguments. The event handler readies itself, and an observer is created to keep a watchful eye over changes within the specified directory. The recursive=True option ensures that subdirectories are not overlooked. Finally, the observer steps into action, faithfully maintaining its vigil until a keyboard interrupt (Ctrl + C) signals its retreat.

Exercising Fine-tuned Control with the Module

Our second example deals with the process of file monitoring, employing the module directly, allowing for granular control over file events.


import watchdog
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from import FileSystemEventHandler, 

class FileChangeHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):
   def on_modified(self, event):
     if not event.is_directory and event.event_type == 
       print(f"File {event.src_path} has been modified!")

def monitor_file_changes(directory, file_extension):
   event_handler = FileChangeHandler()
   observer = Observer()
   observer.schedule(event_handler, path=directory, 

     while True:
   except KeyboardInterrupt:


In this scenario, we summon the FileSystemEventHandler class, meticulously examining the event type to detect EVENT_TYPE_MODIFIED, heralding the presence of file modifications. This approach grants us a more delicate touch when handling various file events. The rest of the code retains its essence from the preceding example.

Embracing the Polling Approach

Our next code example delves into file monitoring, deploying the polling approach, wherein we engage in periodic checks for file changes.


import time
import os

def monitor_file_changes(directory, file_extension):
   file_paths = [os.path.join(directory, file) for file in os.listdir(directory) if file.endswith(file_extension)]

   while True:
     for file_path in file_paths:
       current_timestamp = os.path.getmtime(file_path)
       if file_path in monitored_files and 
monitored_files[file_path] != current_timestamp:
         print(f"File {file_path} has been modified!")
         monitored_files[file_path] = current_timestamp


In this snippet, we set forth upon the polling approach to monitor file changes. The monitor_file_changes() function, accepts directory and file_extension as its parameters. A list of file paths that align with the specified file_extension is created, and we enter a loop, regularly scrutinizing the modification timestamp of each file. Upon detecting a shift in a file's timestamp, we send forth a message announcing the file's modification.

Unveiling the inotify Library (Exclusive to Linux)

Our final example showcases file monitoring where we deploy the inotify library; it is available solely on Linux systems.


import inotify.adapters

def monitor_file_changes(directory, file_extension):
   i = inotify.adapters.Inotify()


   for event in i.event_gen():
     if event is not None:
       (header, type_names, path, filename) = event
       if file_extension in filename:
         print(f"File {filename} has been modified!")

In this last example, we make use of the inotify library, keeping a sharp eye on file changes. The monitor_file_changes() function takes directory and file_extension as its parameters. An Inotify instance emerges, monitoring the specified directory, ever vigilant for signs of change. We proceed through the loop, attentive to events, and upon encountering a file with the designated file_extension undergoing modification, we send forth a message announcing the file's changes.

Monitoring Python files for changes presents a potent capability, one that ensures you remain informed of critical file alterations in your projects. Whether you prefer the watchdog library, the comforting embrace of the polling approach, or the platform-specific prowess of inotify (Linux-only), each method proffers its unique advantages, tailored to meet your specific monitoring needs.

As your Python journey continues, you hone your skill of file monitoring, assuring real-time updates and effective debugging in your Python projects. May the power of staying vigilant in the face of file changes make your Python scripts productive and bring heightened efficiency to your development endeavors.

Updated on: 03-Aug-2023

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