How to make text italic in HTML?

To make text italic in HTML, use the <i>…</i> tag or <em>…</em> tag. Both the tags have the same functioning, but <em> tag is a phrase tag, which renders as emphasized text.

Just keep in mind that you can get the same result in HTML with CSS font-style property.


You can try to run the following code to make text italic in HTML using <em>…</em> tag

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<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML italic text</title>

         Our products: <em>Online HTML Editor</em> and <em>Online Image Editor</em>.


You can try to run the code make text italic in HTML using the font-style property

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<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML italic text</title>

      <h1>Our Products</h1>
      <p style="font-style: italic;">Learning website</p>

Updated on: 09-Jan-2020

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