How to ignore hidden files using os.listdir() in Python?

While working with folders or directories in Python, it's a routine experience to encounter hidden files and folders. Hidden files and folders are system files that are not intended to be visible to users, which may include configuration files, temporary files, and system−related data. In many such situations, you may want to ignore these hidden files and only work with the visible ones to avoid clutter and improve the efficiency of your code.

In this in−depth article, we will explore different methods to ignore hidden files using the "os.listdir()" function in Python. We will also provide step−by−step explanations and code examples to walk you through the process of filtering out hidden files and listing only the visible ones. Whether you're working with the "os" module or leveraging the "pathlib" module, this article will equip you with the knowledge to efficiently handle directories while ignoring hidden files.

Let's kickstart this journey of file handling with Python and learn how to ignore hidden files using "os.listdir()"!

Using List Comprehension to Ignore Hidden Files

One of the simplest and most efficient ways to ignore hidden files when listing a directory's contents is by using list comprehension. List comprehension allows us to filter out specific items based on a condition, and in this case, we can use it to exclude hidden files from the list of files returned by "os.listdir()".


  • In the code below, we import the "os" module, which provides functions for interacting with the operating system, including file and directory operations.

  • The "list_visible_files_with_list_comprehension()" function takes the "directory" as input and returns a list of visible files by filtering out hidden files using list comprehension.

  • We use "os.listdir(directory)" to obtain a list of items (files and directories) within the specified directory.

  • We then use list comprehension to iterate over the items returned by "os.listdir()" and include only those items that do not start with a dot (indicating hidden files).

  • The resulting "visible_files" list contains only the names of visible files, and we return this list.

import os

def list_visible_files_with_list_comprehension(directory):
    visible_files = [file for file in os.listdir(directory) if not file.startswith('.')]
    return visible_files

Using a For Loop to Ignore Hidden Files

An alternative approach to ignoring hidden files when listing a directory's contents is by using a for loop to iterate over the files and exclude the hidden ones from the final list.


  • In this example, we define the "list_visible_files_with_for_loop()" function, which takes the "directory" as input and returns a list of visible files by iterating over the items returned by "os.listdir()" and excluding hidden files using a for loop.

  • We create an empty list called "visible_files" to store the names of visible files.

  • Using a for loop, we iterate over each item (file or directory) returned by "os.listdir(directory)".

  • Within the loop, we check if the name of the current item does not start with a dot (indicating a hidden file). If it doesn't, we append the name of the item to the "visible_files" list.

  • After the loop, the "visible_files" list contains the names of visible files, and we return this list.

import os

def list_visible_files_with_for_loop(directory):
    visible_files = []
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if not file.startswith('.'):
    return visible_files

Using a Helper Function to Determine Hidden Files

To improve code readability and reusability, we can define a helper function that checks whether a given file is hidden or not. We can then use this function to filter out hidden files when listing a directory's contents.


  • In this example, we define the "is_hidden()" function, which takes a "file" as input and returns True if the file starts with a dot (indicating a hidden file) and False otherwise.

  • The "list_visible_files_with_helper_function()" function takes the "directory" as input and returns a list of visible files by using list comprehension to filter out hidden files based on the result of the "is_hidden()" function.

  • We use "os.listdir(directory)" to obtain a list of items (files and directories) within the specified directory.

  • For each item in the list, we call the "is_hidden()" function to determine if it is a hidden file or not. If it is not hidden, we include its name in the "visible_files" list.

  • After iterating through all items, the "visible_files" list contains the names of visible files, and we return this list.

import os

def is_hidden(file):
    return file.startswith('.')

def list_visible_files_with_helper_function(directory):
    visible_files = [file for file in os.listdir(directory) if not is_hidden(file)]
    return visible_files

Using pathlib.Path.iterdir() to Ignore Hidden Files

The "pathlib" module provides a more modern and object−oriented way to handle file paths. We can utilize "Path.iterdir()" to ignore hidden files and list only visible files from a directory.


  • In this example, we import the "Path" class from the "pathlib" module, which represents a file system path.

  • The "list_visible_files_with_pathlib_iterdir()" function takes the "directory" as input and returns a list of visible files by using list comprehension with "path_object.iterdir()" to filter out hidden files.

  • We create a "Path" object with "Path(directory)" to represent the input directory.

  • We use list comprehension to iterate over "path_object.iterdir()" and include only the names of items that do not start with a dot (indicating hidden files).

  • The resulting "visible_files" list contains the names of visible files, and we return this list.

from pathlib import Path

def list_visible_files_with_pathlib_iterdir(directory):
    path_object = Path(directory)
    visible_files = [ for item in path_object.iterdir() if not'.')]
    return visible_files

Using a Generator to List Visible Files

Instead of returning a list of visible files, we can use a generator to yield each visible file one at a time. Generators are memory−efficient and suitable for large directories with numerous files.


  • In this example, we define the "visible_files_generator()" function, which takes the "directory" as input and yields each visible filename one at a time using a generator.

  • Using a for loop, we iterate over the items returned by "os.listdir(directory)".

  • Within the loop, we check if the name of the current item does not start with a dot (indicating a hidden file). If it doesn't, we yield the name of the item.

  • The "visible_files_generator()" function does not return a list but instead returns a generator object that can be iterated over using a for loop or used in other contexts where memory efficiency is crucial.

import os

def visible_files_generator(directory):
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if not file.startswith('.'):
            yield file

When working with folders or directories in Python, ignoring hidden files is a common requirement to focus on relevant data and avoid clutter. In this comprehensive article, we explored various methods to achieve this goal using the "os.listdir()" function and the "pathlib" module.

We started with simple list comprehensions and for loops to filter out hidden files based on their names. We then demonstrated how to improve code readability and reusability by creating a helper function to determine if a file is hidden or not. Additionally, we explored how the "pathlib" module provides a more modern and elegant approach to directory handling.

Eventually, we introduced the concept of generators, which allows us to yield each visible file name one at a time, providing memory−efficient solutions for large directories.

With the knowledge gained from this guide, you are now equipped to efficiently ignore hidden files and focus on the visible files when working with directories in Python. Whether you're handling small or large directories, these techniques will enhance your file handling capabilities and streamline your Python projects.

Updated on: 11-Sep-2023

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