How to get the device major number from a raw device number using Python?

Have you ever anytime wondered how the complex world of low-level system programming deals with the issue of device identification in Python? One essential item of data is the device major number; this plays a crucial role in identifying different devices in a system. In this article, we will set out on a journey to demystify the process of extracting the device major number from a raw device number using the power of Python. By the end of this article, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to navigate the realm of device identification with confidence.

Understanding Device Major Numbers

Before we get started with the code examples, let us attempt to comprehend the concept of device major numbers. In Unix-type operating systems, each device driver is allotted a unique major number, which serves as an identifier for a particular device or device driver. This major number performs as a key to accessing information and interacting with the associated device. It permits the operating system to route system calls and operations to the correct device driver.

Extracting the Device Major Number

To extract or retrieve the device major number from a raw device number in Python, we can employ bitwise operations and masking techniques. Let's explore some code examples that demonstrate different approaches to accomplishing this very task.


In this example, we declare a function extract_major_number() that takes a raw device number as input. Using bitwise right shift (>>) operation by 8 bits, we shift the raw device number to the right, effectively discarding the minor number bits. Then, we perform a bitwise AND (&) operation with 0xFF (hexadecimal representation for 255) to extract the lower 8 bits, which represent the device major number.

def extract_major_number(raw_device_number):
    major_number = (raw_device_number >> 8) & 0xFF
    return major_number

raw_device_number = 267264
major_number = extract_major_number(raw_device_number)
print(f"The device major number is: {major_number}")


The device major number is: 20


In this alternative code example, we utilize integer division (//) by 256 to discard the minor number bits. Then, similar to the previous example, we apply a bitwise AND operation with 0xFFF (hexadecimal representation for 4095) to obtain the device’s major number.

def extract_major_number(raw_device_number):
    major_number = (raw_device_number // 256) & 0xFFF
    return major_number

raw_device_number = 548864
major_number = extract_major_number(raw_device_number)
print(f"The device major number is: {major_number}")


The device major number is: 2144


Here, in this code snippet, we define a function extract_major_number(); it takes a raw device number as input. By performing integer division (//) on the raw device number with 256, we effectively discard the bits representing the minor device number. The resulting quotient represents the device major number. Lastly, we call the function with a sample raw device number and print the extracted major number.

def extract_major_number(raw_device_number):
    major_number = raw_device_number // 256
    return major_number

raw_device_number = 983040
major_number = extract_major_number(raw_device_number)
print(f"The device major number is: {major_number}")


The device major number is: 3840


In this other code example, we utilize string manipulation to extract the major number from the raw device number. Inside the extract_major_number() function, we transform the raw device number to a string and slice the first three characters, which represent the major number. Then, we convert the sliced string back to an integer using the int() function. At last, we call the function with a sample raw device number and print the extracted major number.

def extract_major_number(raw_device_number):
    major_number = int(str(raw_device_number)[:3])
    return major_number

raw_device_number = 7340032
major_number = extract_major_number(raw_device_number)
print(f"The device major number is: {major_number}")


The device major number is: 734

You have by now successfully explored the process of extracting the device major number from a raw device number using Python. By employing bitwise operations and masking techniques, we've navigated the depths of low-level system programming. Armed with this knowledge, you can now decipher and interact with different devices in a system with ease. So go forth, unleash your creativity, and build remarkable applications that communicate effectively with hardware devices!

It is to be noted that understanding the fundamentals is crucial for mastering any programming domain. Keep exploring, experimenting, and pushing the boundaries of your knowledge.

Updated on: 20-Jul-2023


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