How to get file creation & modification date/times in Python?

They are various ways to get the file creation and modification datetime in Python. We will use different methods from the OS and pathlib module to get the file creation and modification datetime in python.

Using OS Module: File Creation Time On Windows

Here we have used the OS module to find the creation time of a file. Initially, we need to import OS module and datetime module. The OS module is used for getting the timestamp whereas the datetime module is used for creating a datetime object. os.path.getctime('path') function is used to get the creation time of a file. The os.path.getctime('path') returns the creation time in numeric timestamp in float.


In the following example code, we retrieve the creation time in timestamp format and then we use the datetime.fromtimestamp() to create a datatime object.

import datetime import os path = r"C:\Examples\samplefile.txt" create_time = os.path.getctime(path) print(create_time) create_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(create_time) print('Created on:', create_date)


The output produced for the given example is as follows.

Created on: 2022-05-16 14:14:17.790101

Using OS Module: File Modification Time On Windows

Here we find the last modified time of the file using the OS module. Initially, we need to import the OS module and datetime module. The OS module is used for getting the timestamp whereas the datetime module is used for creating a datetime object. We use the os.path.getmtime('path') function to get the last modified time of that file. The os.path.getmtime(‘path’) returns the modification time in the numeric timestamp. Then we convert this timestamp to datetime object using the datetime.fromtimestamp() function.


import datetime import os path = r"C:\Examples\samplefile.txt" modify_time = os.path.getmtime(path) print(modify_time) modify_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(modify_time) print('Modified on:', modify_date)


Modified on: 2022-05-16 14:18:11.860914

Using OS Module: File Modification Time On MAC AND UNIX

Here we find the last modified time of the file using the OS module. Initially, we need to import the OS module and datetime module. The OS module is used for getting the timestamp whereas the datetime module is used for creating a datetime object. We use the os.path.getmtime('path') function to get the last modified time of that file. The os.path.getmtime('path') returns the modification time in the numeric timestamp. Then we convert this timestamp to datetime object using the datetime.fromtimestamp() function.


import datetime import os path = r"C:\Examples\samplefile.txt" modify_time = os.path.getmtime(path) print(modify_time) modify_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(modify_time) print('Modified on:', modify_date)


Modified on: 2022-05-16 14:18:11.860914

Using OS Module: File Modification Time On MAC AND UNIX

Here get the file creation time on Mac and Unix systems by using the OS and datetime module. The OS module is used for getting the timestamp whereas the datetime module is used for creating a datetime object. We use the st_birthtime attribute from the os.stat() function to get the creation time of the file. This returns a numeric timestamp, which is converted into a datetime object by using the datetime.fromtimestamp() function..


In this example, we will understand how to get the timestamp of file creation on MAC and UNIX systems.

import os import datetime path = r"C:\Examples\samplefile.txt" stat = os.stat(path) create_timestamp = stat.st_birthtime print(create_timestamp) create_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(create_timestamp) print(create_time)


The output obtained from the above program is as follows.

Created on: 2022-05-16 14:14:17.790101

Using Pathlib Module: File Creation Time On Windows

Here we use the pathlib module to get the creation time of a file. We initially import the pathlib and datetime modules. The pathlib module is used for getting the timestamp whereas the datetime module is used for creating a datetime object.

The pathlib.Path() is used to create a path of the file and returns the file path object. We use the st_ctime attribute from the stat() method to get the creation time of the file. This returns a numeric timestamp, which is converted into a datetime object by using the datetime.fromtimestamp() function.


To get the timestamp of file creation on windows OS, the following program can be utilized.

import datetime import pathlib filename = pathlib.Path(r'C:\Examples\samplefile.txt') create_timestamp = filename.stat().st_ctime print(create_timestamp) create_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(create_timestamp) print(create_time)


The output produced when the above program, is executed is as follows..

2022-05-16 14:14:17.790101

Using Pathlib Module: File Modification Time On Windows

Here we find the last modified time of the file using the pathlib module. Initially, we need to import the pathlib module and datetime module. The pathlib module is used for getting the timestamp whereas the datetime module is used for creating a datetime object.

We use the st_mtime attribute from the stat() method is used to get the last modified time of the file. This returns a numeric timestamp, which is converted into a datetime object by using the datetime.fromtimestamp() function.


In this example, we will get the file modification time on a system.

import datetime import pathlib filename = pathlib.Path(r'C:\Examples\samplefile.txt') modify_timestamp = filename.stat().st_mtime print(modify_timestamp) modify_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(modify_timestamp) print('Modified on:', modify_date)


The output produced is shown.

Modified on: 2022-05-16 14:18:11.860914

Updated on: 02-Nov-2023

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