How to format a floating number to fixed width in Python?

Floating numbers are the numbers which include a decimal point and in other words are also called as real numbers. By default, the number of decimal points in floating number is 6 but we can modify that using the methods given below.

In this article, we are going to find out how to format a floating number to given width in Python.

The first approach is by using the format method. We will include the format in a print statement and we will reference using the curly braces and we should mention the number of decimal points inside the curly braces.


In the program given below, we are taking a floating number as input and we are rounding it off to 4 decimal points using the format() method 

num = 123.26549

print("Given floating number is")

print("The floating number rounded up to 4 decimal points is")


The output of the above example is given below −

Given floating number is
The floating number rounded up to 4 decimal points is

Using % operator

The second approach is by using the % operator. It is similar to the format method but instead of the format we will use % and we will also use % instead of the curly braces.


In the example given below, we are taking a floating number as input and we are rounding it off into 4 decimals using % operator 

num = 123.26549

print("Given floating number is")

print("The floating number rounded up to 4 decimal points is")
print("% .4f" %num)


The output of the above example is given below −

Given floating number is
The floating number rounded up to 4 decimal points is

Using round operator

The third approach is by using the round operator. We will mention the number and the number of decimal points in the round operator and it will return us the updated number as output.


In the program given below, we are taking a floating number as input and we are rounding it off into 4 decimal points using the round method 

num = 123.26549

print("Given floating number is")

print("The floating number rounded up to 4 decimal points is")


The output of the above example is as shown below −

Given floating number is
The floating number rounded up to 4 decimal points is

Updated on: 07-Dec-2022

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