How to find the mime type of a file in Python?

In the domain of file handling and manipulation in Python, it is often critical to determine the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type of a file. MIME types are standardized labels used to identify the nature and format of a file's content. They play a crucial role in various applications, such as web development, email attachments, and data transmission over the internet. Being able to ascertain the MIME type of a file is vital for performing appropriate actions based on its content, such as validating, processing, or displaying it correctly.

In this particular article, we will explore different methods to find the MIME type of a file in Python. We will offer and provide step−by−step explanations and code examples to guide you through the process. Whether you prefer to use the built−in "mimetypes" module, the "magic" library, or third−party libraries, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to effortlessly determine the MIME type of any file.

Let's start this journey of file handling with Python and learn how to find the MIME type of a file!

Using the mimetypes Module

Python's standard library includes the "mimetypes" module, which provides a straightforward and efficient way to determine the MIME type of a file based on its filename or URL. The module utilizes a mapping of filename extensions to MIME types and can handle a wide range of file types.


  • In the code below, we import the "mimetypes" module, which allows us to work with MIME types in Python.

  • The "get_mime_type_with_mimetypes()" function takes the "filename" as input and returns the MIME type of the file using "mimetypes.guess_type()".

  • We call "mimetypes.guess_type(filename)" to obtain a tuple containing the MIME type and the encoding of the given file.

  • The function returns only the MIME type, as the encoding information is not relevant to determining the file's content type.

import mimetypes

def get_mime_type_with_mimetypes(filename):
    mime_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
    return mime_type

Using the magic Library

The "magic" library in Python provides powerful functionality to determine file types by examining their content rather than relying solely on filename extensions. This library is based on the Unix "file" command and can detect various file formats accurately.


  • In this example, we import the "magic" library, which enables us to identify file types based on their content.

  • The "get_mime_type_with_magic()" function takes the "filename" as input and returns the MIME type of the file using "magic.from_file(filename, mime=True)".

  • By passing "mime=True" as an argument, we instruct the "magic.from_file()" function to return only the MIME type, omitting any additional information.

import magic

def get_mime_type_with_magic(filename):
    mime_type = magic.from_file(filename, mime=True)
    return mime_type

Using the fileinput Module

The "fileinput" module in Python is useful for iterating over lines from multiple input sources, including files. Although not explicitly designed to find MIME types, we can leverage it with the "mimetypes" module to determine the MIME type of a file.


  • In this example, we import both the "fileinput" and "mimetypes" modules to work with file input and MIME types, respectively.

  • The "get_mime_type_with_fileinput()" function takes the "filename" as input and returns the MIME type of the file using the "fileinput" module in combination with "mimetypes.guess_type()".

  • We use "fileinput.input(files=(filename,), mode='rb')" to open the file specified by "filename" in binary read mode.

  • The "for" loop iterates over the lines of the input file. However, we are only interested in the first line to determine the MIME type, so we exit the loop as soon as we have a valid MIME type.

  • Inside the loop, we call "mimetypes.guess_type(fileinput.filename())" to obtain the MIME type for the current file being processed.

  • We set "mime_type" to the MIME type returned by "mimetypes.guess_type()" if it is not already set (i.e., is None).

  • After finding the MIME type or reaching the end of the file, we close the "fileinput" object using "fileinput.close()".

import fileinput
import mimetypes

def get_mime_type_with_fileinput(filename):
    mime_type = None
    for line in fileinput.input(files=(filename,), mode='rb'):
  if not mime_type:
          mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(fileinput.filename())
    return mime_type

Using the python−magic Library

The "python−magic" library is a Python binding for the libmagic C library, which is the same library used by the Unix "file" command. It provides accurate file type identification based on file contents and can handle various file formats.


  • In this example, we import the "magic" library to access file type identification capabilities.

  • The "get_mime_type_with_python_magic()" function takes the "filename" as input and returns the MIME type of the file using the "python−magic" library.

  • We create a "Magic" object with "magic.Magic(mime=True)" and pass "mime=True" as an argument to instruct the object to return only the MIME type.

  • The "from_file(filename)" method of the "Magic" object is used to determine the MIME type of the given file based on its content.

import magic

def get_mime_type_with_python_magic(filename):
    mime_type = magic.Magic(mime=True).from_file(filename)
    return mime_type

Using the python−magic−bin Library

The "python−magic−bin" library is another Python binding for the libmagic C library, similar to "python−magic." However, it requires installation of the libmagic library separately, making it an alternative option for MIME type detection.


  • In this example, we import the "magic" library to access file type identification capabilities.

  • The "get_mime_type_with_python_magic_bin()" function takes the "filename" as input and returns the MIME type of the file using the "python−magic−bin" library.

  • We call "magic.detect_from_filename(filename)" to obtain a "Magic" object containing file information, including the MIME type.

  • The "mime_type" attribute of the "Magic" object provides the desired MIME type of the file.

import magic

def get_mime_type_with_python_magic_bin(filename):
    mime_type = magic.detect_from_filename(filename).mime_type
    return mime_type

Determining the MIME type of a file is a crucial aspect of file handling and manipulation, particularly in web development and data transmission scenarios. In this article, we explored various methods to find the MIME type of a file using Python. We discussed the built−in "mimetypes" module, the "magic" library, and its variations "python−magic" and "python−magic−bin," all of which offer reliable and efficient approaches to determine the MIME type of files.

With this available knowledge in hand, you can confidently incorporate MIME−type detection into your Python projects

Updated on: 11-Sep-2023

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