How to extract a part of the file path (a directory) in Python?

When using file operations and directory structures, working with file paths is a typical task in Python programming. You may occasionally need to strip off particular parts of a file path, such a directory name, in order to analyze or alter it independently. Python offers a number of methods to carry out this work quickly and effectively.

This extensive article will examine various techniques for extracting a directory in Python from a file path. We will walk you through the procedure with step-by-step explanations and code samples. You may divide a file path into several parts, get the parent directory, or isolate a certain subfolder, mastering these techniques will enhance your file-handling capabilities and streamline your programming workflow.

Let's embark on this journey of file path manipulation with Python and uncover the secrets of extracting directory names!

Using os.path Module for Basic Directory Extraction

Python's "os.path" module offers a simple method to extract the parent directory (the immediate containing directory) from a given file path.


  • The "os" module, which offers functions for operating system-related activities, is imported in the code below.

  • We may extract the parent directory from the specified file path using the "extract_parent_directory()" method.

  • To get the parent directory, which is the immediate containing directory of the specified file path, we use "os.path.dirname(file_path)".

  • The function provides a string representing the extracted parent directory.

import os

def extract_parent_directory(file_path):
   parent_directory = os.path.dirname(file_path)
   return parent_directory

Utilizing pathlib.Path for Advanced Path Manipulation

Working with file paths is now more modern and object-oriented thanks to the "pathlib" module of Python. It offers additional strategies for more complex path modification, such as locating certain sections of the path.


  • The "Path" class from the "pathlib" module, which symbolizes a file system path, is imported in this example.

  • The method "extract_subdirectory_with_pathlib()" enables us to use "pathlib" to extract a subdirectory from the specified file path.

  • Using "Path(file_path)", where "file_path" is the input file path, we generate a "Path" object.

  • We may find out the name of the file path's immediate enclosing directory (subdirectory) by using the "" property.

  • The function provides a string representation of the retrieved subfolder name.

from pathlib import Path

def extract_subdirectory_with_pathlib(file_path):
   path_object = Path(file_path)
   subdirectory =
   return subdirectory

Splitting File Path into Components

Python's "os.path" module also allows us to split a file path into its individual components, such as the drive, root, directory, and filename.


  • We may divide a file path into its component parts using the "split_file_path()" method.

  • To separate the drive (Windows) or the empty string (Unix-like systems) from the remainder of the path, we use "os.path.splitdrive(file_path)".

  • Next, we split the root (the initial part of the remaining path) and the directory (the remainder of the path) using "os.path.split(root)"

  • The drive (if present), the root, and the directory are all returned as strings by the function.

import os
def split_file_path(file_path):
   drive, root = os.path.splitdrive(file_path)
   root, directory = os.path.split(root)
   return drive, root, directory

Extracting Multiple Subdirectories from a File Path

You might need to extract several subdirectories from a file path in more complicated cases. Such circumstances may be handled using the "os.path" module in Python by repeatedly separating the path.


  • We can extract several subdirectories from a file path using the "extract_multiple_subdirectories()" method.

  • The extraction of the immediate subdirectory and splitting of the file path is repeated a specified number of times (num_subdirectories) using a loop.

  • "subdirectories.insert(0, subdirectory)" is used to put the extracted subdirectories at the start of the "subdirectories" list.

  • A list of extracted subdirectories is the function's output.

import os

def extract_multiple_subdirectories(file_path, num_subdirectories):
   subdirectories = []
   for _ in range(num_subdirectories):
      file_path, subdirectory = os.path.split(file_path)
      subdirectories.insert(0, subdirectory)
   return subdirectories

Handling Absolute and Relative Paths

It's crucial to handle both absolute and relative paths correctly when working with file files. Both the "os.path" and "pathlib" modules in Python offer consistent methods for handling both kinds of paths.


  • Using both the "os.path" and "pathlib" modules, the "handle_absolute_relative_paths()" function illustrates how to handle both absolute and relative paths.

  • We utilize the "os.path" module to get the parent directory from the input file path using "os.path.dirname(file_path)".

  • Next, using the "pathlib" module, we build a "Path" object using "Path(file_path)" and use "path_object.parent" to retrieve the parent directory.

  • The function uses both approaches to return the extracted parent directory.

import os
from pathlib import Path

def handle_absolute_relative_paths(file_path):
   # Using os.path module
   parent_directory_os = os.path.dirname(file_path)

   # Using pathlib.Path
   path_object = Path(file_path)
   parent_directory_pathlib = path_object.parent

   return parent_directory_os, parent_directory_pathlib


This thorough article has covered a variety of techniques for extracting a directory from a file path in Python. Python offers a variety of methods for handling file paths effectively, whether you choose the time-honored "os.path" module or the more contemporary "pathlib" package. By understanding these techniques, you'll be able to process and alter file paths with ease, making file-handling duties simpler and your Python programs' general structure better.

Updated on: 22-Aug-2023

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