How to draw a 3D sphere in HTML5?

To create a 3D sphere, use the HTML5 canvas. You can use the following function in your code:

function display(r) {
   this.point = new Array();
   this.color = "blue)"
   this.r = (typeof(r) == "undefined") ? 20.0 : r;
   this.r = (typeof(r) != "number") ? 20.0 : r;
   this.vertexes = 0;

   for(alpha = 0; alpha <= 6.28; alpha += 0.17) {
      p = this.point[this. vertexes] = new Point3D();
      p.x = Math.cos(alpha) * this.r;
      p.y = 0;
      p.z = Math.sin(alpha) * this.r;
      this.vertexes ++;

Updated on: 25-Jun-2020


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