How to convert Decimal to Binary using C#?

Let’s say we want to convert the number 48 to binary.

Firstly, set it and use the / and % operators and loop until the value is greater than 1 −

decVal = 48;

while (decVal >= 1) {
   val = decVal / 2;
   a += (decVal % 2).ToString();
   decVal = val;

Now, display every bit of the binary as shown in the complete code −


 Live Demo

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace Demo {
   class MyApplication {
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         int decVal;
         int val;
         string a = "";
         decVal = 48;
         Console.WriteLine("Decimal = {0}", decVal);

         while (decVal >= 1) {
            val = decVal / 2;
            a += (decVal % 2).ToString();
            decVal = val;
         string binValue = "";

         for (int i = a.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            binValue = binValue + a[i];
         Console.WriteLine("Binary = {0}", binValue);


Decimal = 48
Binary = 110000

Updated on: 22-Jun-2020


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