How to Compose a Raw Device Number from the Major and Minor Device Numbers?

In identifying and interacting with hardware devices, device numbers have a significant role in the domain of low-level systems programming. Every device or peripheral that is connected to a computer system is given or assigned a unique pair of numbers called the major and minor device numbers. You have to comprehend how to compose a raw device number from these components and this is essential when interacting with device drivers or working with devices at a low level. In this article, we will set out on a journey to explore the procedure of composing a raw device number in Python. We will dive deep into the intricacies of major and minor device numbers, and arm ourselves with the knowledge to utilize their power. So, let's get started and unravel the nitty-gritty of composing raw device numbers.

Understanding Major and Minor Device Numbers

Before we take up composing raw device numbers, let's make an attempt to understand and follow the concepts of major and minor device numbers. In the Linux kernel and Unix-like ecosystem, major device numbers point to and indicate the device type or driver associated with a device, while minor device numbers refer to a specific instance or unit of that device type.

Composing a Raw Device Number

To compose or devise a raw device number from the major and minor device numbers, we can utilize bitwise operations in Python. Let's get started by defining the major and minor device numbers:


In this code snippet given below, major_number and minor_number represent the major and minor device numbers, respectively. The left shift operator '<<' performs a left shift operation on the major number by 8 bits, effectively multiplying it by 256. Then, the | operator performs a bitwise OR operation between the shifted major number and the minor number, resulting in the composed raw device number.

major_number = 8
minor_number = 3

Next, we can devise the raw device number using the following formula:

raw_device_number = (major_number << 8) | minor_number

Extracting Major and Minor Device Numbers

On the contrary, if we have a raw device number and wish to extract the major and minor device numbers, we can do so by using the following formulas:


In this code, let us assume we have a raw device number stored in the raw_device_number variable. The right shift operator '<<' performs a right shift operation on the raw device number by 8 bits, effectively dividing it by 256 and generating the major number. The & operator performs a bitwise AND operation between the raw device number and the bit mask 0xFF (which is 11111111 in binary), generating the minor number.

raw_device_number = 2055  # Example raw device number
major_number = raw_device_number << 8
minor_number = raw_device_number & 0xFF

Understanding Raw Device Numbers

Raw device numbers are commonly found and used in the field of low-level systems programming and device driver development. These numbers provide a unique identifier number for a device and are used in carrying out operations such as device file creation, device node management, and device I/O.

Error Handling and Validations:

When working with major and minor device numbers, it must be ensured that error conditions are handled properly. For example, validating that the major and minor numbers are within the permissible range is crucial. Additionally, error handling should be undertaken to tackle scenarios where the composed raw device number exceeds the maximum value that can be allowed.


Here, a function compose_raw_device_number() is defined that takes the major and minor device numbers as input. Within the function, we perform a left shift operation on the major number by 12 bits, which is like multiplying it by 4096. Then, the minor number is added to the shifted major number to get the composed raw device number. At last, we call the function with sample values and the result is printed.

def compose_raw_device_number(major_number, minor_number):
   raw_device_number = (major_number << 12) + minor_number
   return raw_device_number

major_number = 10
minor_number = 7

result = compose_raw_device_number(major_number, minor_number)
print(f"Composed Raw Device Number: {result}")


Composed Raw Device Number: 40967

Making Use of the Struct Module


In this example, we invoke and make use of the struct module in Python to pack the major and minor device numbers into a binary representation, and then at a later stage, these are unpacked as an unsigned integer. Inside the compose_raw_device_number() function, we deploy the struct.pack() function to pack the major and minor numbers as unsigned bytes and a short, respectively, and provision a dummy value of 0 for alignment. Then, we utilize the struct.unpack() function with the format 'I' (designating an unsigned integer) to obtain the composed raw device number. Finally, the function is called with sample values and the result is printed.

import struct

def compose_raw_device_number(major_number, minor_number):
   raw_device_number = struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('BBH', 0, major_number, 
   return raw_device_number

major_number = 5
minor_number = 2

result = compose_raw_device_number(major_number, minor_number)
print(f"Composed Raw Device Number: {result}")


Composed Raw Device Number: 132352


In this code example, we make use of the power of string formatting to compose the raw device number. Inside the compose_raw_device_number() function, we utilize string interpolation to format the major and minor numbers with leading zeros and concatenate them as a single string. Then, the string is converted to an integer using the int() function, resulting in the newly composed raw device number. At last, the function is called with sample values and the result is printed.

def compose_raw_device_number(major_number, minor_number):
   raw_device_number = int(f"{major_number:02d}{minor_number:02d}")
   return raw_device_number
major_number = 9
minor_number = 6

result = compose_raw_device_number(major_number, minor_number)
print(f"Composed Raw Device Number: {result}")


Composed Raw Device Number: 906

In this interesting and engaging exploration, we have demystified the process of composing raw device numbers in Python. By understanding the utility and significance of major and minor device numbers, we have learned how to combine them using bitwise operations to compose a raw device number. We have also discovered how to generate the major and minor components from a given raw device number.

By exploring above discussed various code examples and explanations, we can confidently create raw device numbers in Python and navigate the intricate world of low-level systems programming.

Updated on: 17-Jul-2023


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