How to allow no breaks in the enclosed text in HTML?

To allow no breaks in the enclosed text in HTML, we will use <nobr> tag for creating a single line text, it does not bother about how long the statement is. If we want to read whole text a horizontal scroll has to be used. It is exactly opposite to <br> break tag. <nobr> tag is not supported in HTML5. This tag does not contain any attribute, it is having an open and closed tags.

The <nobr> tag in HTML

The HTML <nobr> tag is used to instruct the browser not to break the specified text. This is used with the <wbr> tag, <wbr> advises the extended browser when it may insert a line break in an otherwise nonbreakable sequence of text.

Unlike the <br> tag, which always causes a line break, even within a <nobr>- tagged segment, the <wbr> tag works only when placed inside a <nobr>- tagged content segment and causes a line break only if the current line has already extended beyond the browser's display window margins.


Following is the syntax of <nobr> tag in HTML −

<nobr> Statement </nobr>


Following example, demonstrates the usage of <nobr> tag in HTML −

<!Doctype html>
   <title>nobr Tag in HTML</title>
      h1 {
         color: blue;
      <h4>HTML nobr tag</h4>
      <nobr> Tutorials Point is a leading Ed Tech company striving to provide the best learning material on technical and non-technical subjects. </nobr>


Following is another example of the <nobr> tag in HTML −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>HTML nobr Tag</title>
   <nobr>This is a very long sequence of text that is forced to be on a single line, even if doing so causes <wbr /> the browser to extend the document window beyond the size of the viewing pane and the poor user must scroll right <wbr /> to read the entire line. </nobr>


In the following example we are trying to restrict breaks in the enclosed text −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>nobr Tag Demonstration</title>
      p.a {
         white-space: nowrap;
   <h1>Using CSS property white-space</h1>
   <p class="a"> It is a very long text which is very inconvenient to read, as it is written in one line, and you have to scroll horizontally to read it. </p>

Updated on: 10-Oct-2023


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