How regular expression alternatives work in Python?

Python's built−in module 're' provides a powerful tool for working with text data, and regular expressions (regex) are a crucial part of it. However, sometimes you might need to use alternative methods to perform text manipulation tasks that don't involve regex. In this article, we'll explore five code examples that demonstrate how to use alternative methods to perform text manipulation tasks in Python, along with stepwise explanations and illustrations.

Regular expressions are an incredibly powerful tool for working with text in Python. They allow us to search, manipulate, and process text in ways that would be otherwise time−consuming and complex. However, sometimes we may face scenarios where we need more flexibility and control over our search patterns. That's when regular expression alternatives come into play.

In this article, we will delve deep into the world of regular expression alternatives in Python and explore how they work. We'll look at real−world examples and break down each step, helping you gain a better understanding of how to use these alternatives effectively in your own projects.

Regular expression alternatives are a way to provide multiple patterns that a regular expression engine can try one by one until it finds a match. This is particularly useful when working with text that has multiple possible formats or structures. By using alternatives, we can create more robust and flexible regular expressions.

Using Split() and Join() Methods

Suppose you have a string like "hello world" and you want to split it into a list of words and then join them back into a single string with a space between each word.

You can use the built−in 'split()' method to split the string into a list of words and then use the 'join()' method to join the list back into a single string.

The 'split()' method splits the string into a list of words using whitespace as the delimiter.

The 'join()' method joins the list of words back into a single string using a space as the delimiter.

text = "hello world"
words = text.split()
joined_text = " ".join(words)

print(joined_text)  # Output: "hello world"


hello world

Using Find() and Replace() Methods

Suppose you have a string like "hello world" and you want to replace all occurrences of "hello" with "hi".

You can use the built−in 'find()' method to find all occurrences of "hello" in the string and then use the 'replace()' method to replace them with "hi".

The 'find()' method finds the first occurrence of "hello" in the string and returns its index.

The 'replace()' method replaces the first occurrence ??????

text = "hello world"
new_text = text.replace("hello", "hi")

print(new_text)  # Output: "hi world"

Using the Iterator Method

Suppose you have a string like "hello world" and you want to extract all the words from the string one by one and store them in a list.

You can use the built−in 'iterator()' method to iterate over the string and extract each word one by one.

The 'iterator()' method returns an iterator object that allows you to iterate over the string one character at a time.

The 'isalpha()' method checks if the current character is a letter or not. If it is, we append it to the list of words.

text = "hello world"
words = []
for char in text:
    if char.isalpha():



['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']

In Python, we can use the '|' symbol to specify alternatives in a regular expression pattern. The engine will try each pattern in the sequence, and the first one that matches will be considered a successful match.

Finding Multiple File Extensions

Let's consider a scenario where we want to search for all the files in a directory that have a .jpg or .jpeg extension. We can use the '|' symbol to create an alternative pattern in our regular expression:


In this example, the regular expression pattern r'.(jpg|jpeg)$' will match any file that ends with either the .jpg or .jpeg extension. The '|' symbol in the pattern tells the engine to try both alternatives in sequence.

import re

files = ["file.jpg", "file.jpeg", "file.txt"]

for file in files:
    if'\.(jpg|jpeg)$', file):
        print(f"Found a match: {file}")


Found a match: file.jpg
Found a match: file.jpeg

Matching Different Date Formats

Suppose we have a list of date strings in different formats and we want to filter out the ones that are in the "Month Day, Year" format. We can use regular expression alternatives to create a flexible pattern:


Suppose we have a list of date strings in different formats and we want to filter out the ones that are in the "Month Day, Year" format. We can use regular expression alternatives to create a flexible pattern:

import re

dates = ["January 1, 2022", "1/1/2022", "2022-01-01", "Jan 1, 2022"]

for date in dates:
    if'^(\w+)\s+(\d+),\s+(\d{4})$', date.strip()):
        print(f"Found a match: {date}")


Found a match: January 1, 2022
Found a match: Jan 1, 2022

Matching Multiple Email Address Formats

Let's say we have a list of strings that could be email addresses, and we want to filter out the ones that are actually valid. We can use regular expression alternatives to create a pattern that matches multiple email address formats:


In this example, the regular expression pattern r'^[\w!#$%&'()*+,;^`{|}]+.\w!#$%&'()*+,;^`{|}]+@(([A−Za−z0−9−]+.)+[A−Za−z]{2,}|(\d{1,3}.){3}\d{1,3}(:\d{1,5})?)$' will match any string that is a valid email address according to the widely accepted email address specification (RFC 5322). The '|' symbol is used to create alternatives for the domain name part of the email address (e.g., for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses).

import re

email_list = ["[](", ""]

for email in email_list:
    if'^[\w!#$%&'()*+`,;~^{|}~]+\.[\w!#$%&'()*+`,;~^{|}~]+@(([A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,}|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\:\d{1,5})?)$', email):
        print(f"Found a valid email: {email}")

In conclusion, regular expression alternatives in Python offer a powerful and flexible way to search and manipulate text data. The '|' operator enables developers to create expressions that can match multiple patterns, greatly enhancing the capabilities of regular expressions. By understanding the behavior of the '|' operator and learning how to use it effectively, developers can write more efficient and versatile code for parsing and processing text data in Python. As regular expressions continue to be a cornerstone of text manipulation in Python, mastering alternatives like the '|' operator is essential for any Python developer seeking to improve their skills and create robust, maintainable code.

Updated on: 08-Sep-2023


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