How is a file read using a limited buffer size using Python?

In the world of computer programming, file handling is a very essential aspect of managing data efficiently. At times, when we are required to deal with large files, it may be that reading the entire file into memory may not be practical or efficient. In such situations, reading a file using a limited buffer size can be a more practical approach and solution. Python, a versatile and robust language, provides developers with powerful tools to perform file operations effectively. In this comprehensive article, we will explore different ways of carrying out the process of reading a file using a limited buffer size in Python. We will dive deep into the concepts step−by−step and present few practical code examples to demonstrate the process.

Understanding File Reading and Buffer Size

Before we take up the code examples, let's take a moment to understand file reading and the concept of buffer size. When reading a file, the data is read from the file and stored in memory. However, reading the entire file into memory at once may not be feasible for large files, as it can lead to memory issues.

To address this concern, we can use a buffer to read the file in smaller chunks. A buffer is a temporary storage area in memory used to hold data while it is being transferred from one location to another. By reading the file in smaller chunks or buffer sizes, we can efficiently handle large files without overwhelming the memory.

Reading the Entire File with a Limited Buffer Size

Let's start with a simple example of reading the entire file using a limited buffer size. In this scenario, we have a file that we want to read in chunks of a specific buffer size. Here's the code:


In this example, we define a function read_file_with_buffer that takes the path of the file and the buffer size as arguments. We open the file in read mode ('r') using the open() function. Then, we use a while loop to read the file in chunks of the specified buffer size.

The method is used to read data from the file in chunks. The loop continues until there is no more data to read, at which point the loop terminates.

def read_file_with_buffer(file_path, buffer_size):
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        while True:
            data =
            if not data:

# Example usage
file_path = 'large_file.txt'
buffer_size = 1024
read_file_with_buffer(file_path, buffer_size)

Writing Buffered Data to Another File

Sometimes, we may want to read a file with a limited buffer size and simultaneously write the buffered data to another file. Let's explore how to achieve this:


In this code snippet, we define a function read_and_write_with_buffer that takes the path of the input file, the path of the output file, and the buffer size as arguments. We open both files in their respective modes ('r' for input file and 'w' for output file) using the open() function.

As we read data from the input file using, we simultaneously write the buffered data to the output file using output_file.write().

def read_and_write_with_buffer(input_file_path, output_file_path, buffer_size):
    with open(input_file_path, 'r') as input_file, open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_file:
        while True:
            data =
            if not data:

# Example usage
input_file_path = 'large_input_file.txt'
output_file_path = 'output_file.txt'
buffer_size = 1024
read_and_write_with_buffer(input_file_path, output_file_path, buffer_size)

Using a Generator to Read the File

Generators are a powerful feature in Python that can be used to create iterators. They are particularly useful when working with large datasets that don't fit entirely into memory. Let's see how we can use a generator to read a file with a limited buffer size:


In this example, we define a function read_file_with_generator that takes the path of the file and the buffer size as arguments. We open the file in read mode ('r') using the open() function.

Instead of directly printing the data, we use a yield statement to create a generator. The generator returns each chunk of data as it is read from the file.

In the example usage, we use a for loop to iterate through the generator and print each chunk of data.

def read_file_with_generator(file_path, buffer_size):
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        while True:
            data =
            if not data:
            yield data

# Example usage
file_path = 'large_file.txt'
buffer_size = 1024
for chunk in read_file_with_generator(file_path, buffer_size):

Processing Buffered Data

While reading a file with a limited buffer size, we may want to process each chunk of data before moving on to the next. Let's see how we can achieve this:


In this code snippet, we define a function process_buffered_data that takes the path of the file and the buffer size as arguments. We open the file in read mode ('r') using the open() function.

After reading each chunk of data, we call a custom process_data() function to process the data. In this example, we simply convert the data to uppercase using the upper() method.

You can replace the process_data() function with any custom data processing logic you require.

def process_buffered_data(file_path, buffer_size):
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        while True:
            data =
            if not data:
            # Process the buffered data
            processed_data = process_data(data)

def process_data(data):
    # Your custom data processing logic here
    return data.upper()

# Example usage
file_path = 'large_file.txt'
buffer_size = 1024
process_buffered_data(file_path, buffer_size)

Using iter and functools.partial

Python's iter function and functools.partial can be combined to create a more concise and elegant solution for reading a file with a limited buffer size. Let's see how to achieve this:


In this example, we define a function read_file_with_iter that takes the path of the file and the buffer size as arguments. We open the file in read mode ('r') using the open() function.

The iter function, combined with functools.partial, allows us to create an iterator that calls until it returns an empty string (signaling the end of the file).

The for loop iterates through this iterator and prints each chunk of data read from the file.

import functools

def read_file_with_iter(file_path, buffer_size):
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        for data in iter(functools.partial(, buffer_size), ''):

# Example usage
file_path = 'large_file.txt'
buffer_size = 1024
read_file_with_iter(file_path, buffer_size)

In this article, we explored different ways of how to process of reading a file using a limited buffer size in Python. By reading files in smaller chunks, we can efficiently handle large files without consuming excessive memory. We presented few practical code examples that demonstrated different approaches to reading files with a limited buffer size, including writing the buffered data to another file, using generators, processing data, and employing iter and functools.partial for a concise solution.

When working with large files, the ability to read data in smaller chunks using a limited buffer size can significantly enhance the performance and resource efficiency of file processing operations in Python. As you continue to develop Python applications, incorporating these techniques can empower you to handle files of varying sizes with ease and finesse.

Updated on: 11-Sep-2023


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