How do you get a directory listing sorted by creation date in Python?

In the process of managing files and directories in Python, there are often situations where you need to obtain a directory listing sorted by creation date. The task of sorting files and directories by their creation timestamps can be beneficial for various purposes, such as analyzing the most recently added files or organizing data based on chronological order. Python has several methods and techniques to achieve this goal effectively and efficiently. By making use of the "os" module, the "pathlib" module, or third−party libraries, you can effortlessly obtain a sorted directory listing based on creation date.

In this exhaustive article, we will go on to explore different methods to get a directory listing sorted by creation date in Python. We will also provide stepwise explanations and code examples to guide you through the process. Whether you like working with the "os" module, the "pathlib" module, or external libraries like "sortedcontainers", this article will equip you with the tools to navigate and organize directory contents effectively.

Let's get started on this journey of directory exploration with Python and learn the nitty−gritty of obtaining a sorted directory listing based on creation date!

Using os.listdir() with sorted() and os.path.getctime():

The "os.listdir()" function makes it possible for us to obtain a list of items (files and directories) within a given directory. By making use of the "sorted()" function with a custom key function that fetches the creation time of each item, we can achieve a sorted directory listing based on creation date.


  • Firstly, in the code given below, the "os" module is imported.

  • The "sorted_directory_listing_by_creation_time_with_os_listdir()" function takes the "directory" as input and returns the directory listing sorted by creation date using "os.listdir()", "sorted()", and "os.path.getctime()".

  • The "get_creation_time()" function is defined within the main function. This function takes an "item" (file or directory name) and returns the creation time of the item using "os.path.getctime()".

  • "os.listdir(directory)" is used to obtain a list of items (files and directories) in the specified directory.

  • The list of items is sorted by the "sorted()" function based on the values returned by the "get_creation_time()" function.

import os

def sorted_directory_listing_by_creation_time_with_os_listdir(directory):
    def get_creation_time(item):
        item_path = os.path.join(directory, item)
        return os.path.getctime(item_path)

    items = os.listdir(directory)
    sorted_items = sorted(items, key=get_creation_time)
    return sorted_items

Utilizing os.scandir() with sorted() and stat()

It is found that the "os.scandir()" function is a more efficient and a better alternative to "os.listdir()" for getting directory contents. We can then use "sorted()" with a custom key function that fetches the creation time of each entry using "os.stat()".


  • In this present example, we make use of the "os.scandir()" function along with "sorted()" to get a sorted directory listing based on the creation date in Python.

  • The "sorted_directory_listing_by_creation_time_with_os_scandir()" function takes the "directory" as input and returns the sorted directory listing using "os.scandir()", "sorted()", and "os.stat()".

  • We then define the "get_creation_time()" function within the main function. This function accepts an "entry" (directory entry object) and gives as output the creation time of the entry using "entry.stat().st_ctime".

  • Here, the "with" statement is used to make sure that proper resource cleanup is done after the block's execution.

  • We are using a lambda function as the "key" argument in "sorted()", which requires that the sorting should be based on the values returned by the "get_creation_time()" function.

import os

def sorted_directory_listing_by_creation_time_with_os_scandir(directory):
    def get_creation_time(entry):
        return entry.stat().st_ctime

    with os.scandir(directory) as entries:
        sorted_entries = sorted(entries, key=get_creation_time)
        sorted_items = [ for entry in sorted_entries]
    return sorted_items

Using pathlib.Path.iterdir() with sorted() and stat()

The "pathlib" module, it is found that, relatively provides a more modern and convenient way to manage file paths. We make use of "sorted()" with a custom key function that retrieves the creation time of each item using "os.stat()".


  • Here, we import the "Path" class from the "pathlib" module.

  • The "sorted_directory_listing_by_creation_time_with_pathlib_iterdir()" function accepts the "directory" as input and returns the sorted directory listing using "Path.iterdir()", "sorted()", and "os.stat()".

  • We go on to define the "get_creation_time()" function within the main function. This function takes an "item" (file or directory object) and outputs the creation time of the item using "item.stat().st_ctime".

  • A "Path" object is then created with "Path(directory)", where "directory" is the input directory.

  • The "path_object.iterdir()" function is used to obtain an iterator of items (files and directories) in the specified directory.

  • The "sorted()" function then sorts the list of items based on the values returned by the "get_creation_time()" function.

from pathlib import Path

def sorted_directory_listing_by_creation_time_with_pathlib_iterdir(directory):
    def get_creation_time(item):
        return item.stat().st_ctime

    path_object = Path(directory)
    items = path_object.iterdir()
    sorted_items = sorted(items, key=get_creation_time)
    return [ for item in sorted_items]

Using external library sortedcontainers

In use cases where efficiency and performance are critical, we have the choice to use external libraries like "sortedcontainers" to obtain a sorted directory listing based on creation date.


  • By now you have learn that the "sorted_directory_listing_by_creation_time_with_sortedcontainers()" function shows how to use the "sortedcontainers" library for obtaining a sorted directory listing based on creation date.

  • Firstly, the "sortedcontainers" library is installed using "pip install sortedcontainers".

  • The function takes the "directory" as input and returns the sorted directory listing using the "SortedList" class from "sortedcontainers" and "os.path.getctime()".

  • The "os.listdir(directory)" is used to obtain a list of items (files and directories) in the specified directory.

  • We initialize the "SortedList" class with the "items" list and a lambda function as the "key" argument, which specifies that the sorting should be based on the creation time of each item returned by "os.path.getctime()".

import os
from sortedcontainers import SortedList

def sorted_directory_listing_by_creation_time_with_sortedcontainers(directory):
    items = os.listdir(directory)
    sorted_items = SortedList(items, key=lambda item: os.path.getctime(os.path.join(directory, item)))
    return sorted_items

Using pathlib.Path.glob() with sorted() and stat()

The "Path.glob()" method from "pathlib" module allows us to obtain an iterator of items (files and directories) within a given directory. We then go on to use "sorted()" with a custom key function that gets the creation time of each item using "os.stat()".


  • Firstly, the "Path" class from the "pathlib" module is imported; it represents a file system path.

  • The "sorted_directory_listing_by_creation_time_with_pathlib_glob()" function is known to take the "directory" as input and return the sorted directory listing using "Path.glob()", "sorted()", and "os.stat()".

  • The "get_creation_time()" function is defined within the main function. This function takes an "item" (file or directory object) and the creation time of the item is given as output using "item.stat().st_ctime".

  • Next, we create a "Path" object with "Path(directory)", where "directory" is the input directory.

  • The "path_object.glob('*')" is used to obtain an iterator of items (files and directories) in the specified directory.

  • The "sorted()" function then sorts the list of items based on the values returned by the "get_creation_time()" function.

from pathlib import Path

def sorted_directory_listing_by_creation_time_with_pathlib_glob(directory):
def get_creation_time(item):
    return item.stat().st_ctime

path_object = Path(directory)
items = path_object.glob('*')
sorted_items = sorted(items, key=get_creation_time)
return [ for item in sorted_items]

In conclusion, the process of obtaining a directory listing sorted by creation date in Python is a powerful skill that empowers effective file management and organization. We have explored in this article various methods and techniques to achieve this goal, including using "os.listdir()", "os.scandir()", "pathlib.Path.iterdir()", external library "sortedcontainers", and "pathlib.Path.glob()".

If you like the simplicity of the "os" module or the modern approach of the "pathlib" module, Python makes available flexible and efficient ways to navigate and sort directory contents based on creation date.

Becoming an expert in these techniques will allow you to build robust applications for handling file systems, data analysis, and many other tasks that require efficient directory listing sorting.

The choice of the right method depends on the specific requirements of your project. If performance is the main concern, external libraries like "sortedcontainers" may be your best bet. On the other hand, the built−in functions provided by "os" and "pathlib" modules offer convenience and ease of use.

Updated on: 11-Sep-2023

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