How can we search a record from MySQL table having a date as a value in it?

It can be understood with the help of following example in which we are using the following data from the table named ‘detail_bday’ −

mysql> Select * from detail_bday;
| Sr | Name    | Birth_Date |
| 1  | Saurabh | 1990-05-12 |
| 2  | Raman   | 1993-06-11 |
| 3  | Gaurav  | 1984-01-17 |
| 4  | Rahul   | 1993-06-11 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Now, in the following two ways we can search records using the date −

mysql> Select * from detail_bday Where Birth_Date = '1993-06-11';
| Sr | Name  | Birth_Date |
| 2  | Raman | 1993-06-11 |
| 4  | Rahul | 1993-06-11 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> Select * from detail_bday Where Date(Birth_Date) = '1993-06-11';
| Sr | Name  | Birth_Date |
| 2  | Raman | 1993-06-11 |
| 4  | Rahul | 1993-06-11 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Updated on: 30-Jan-2020


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